Part 5501 - Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Department of Health and Human Services  

§ 5501.101 - General.
§ 5501.102 - Designation of HHS components as separate agencies.
§ 5501.103 - Gifts from federally recognized Indian tribes or Alaska Native villages or regional or village corporations.
§ 5501.104 - Prohibited financial interests applicable to employees of the Food and Drug Administration.
§ 5501.105 - Exemption for otherwise disqualifying financial interests derived from Indian or Alaska Native birthrights.
§ 5501.106 - Outside employment and other outside activities.
§ 5501.107 - Teaching, speaking and writing by special Government employees in the Public Health Service.
§ 5501.108 - Exception to the prohibition against assisting in the prosecution of claims against, or acting as an agent or attorney before, the Government, applicable only to employees assigned to federally recognized Indian tribes or Alaska Native villages or regional or village corporations pursuant to the Intergovernmental Personnel Act.
§ 5501.109 - Prohibited outside activities applicable to employees of the National Institutes of Health.
§ 5501.110 - Prohibited financial interests applicable to senior employees of the National Institutes of Health.
§ 5501.111 - Awards tendered to employees of the National Institutes of Health.
§ 5501.112 - One-year disqualification of employees of the National Institutes of Health from certain matters involving an award donor.