§ 595.108 - Reports.

Latest version.
  • (a) Because of the experimental and temporary nature of the physicians’ comparability allowance program, it will be necessary for the Office of Personnel Management to collect information on the administration of the program by the agencies, and on the effects the program has on the recruitment and retention of Government physicians. The Office of Personnel Management will prescribe the number, contents, timing, and format of the reports necessary to collect this information, and every agency using the physicians’ comparability allowance program is required to submit such reports as the Office may prescribe. These reports must include, among other things, the following:

    (1) A listing of the amount of allowance actually paid to the agency's physicians; and

    (2) An assessment of the effect of the physicians’ comparability allowance program on the agency's recruitment and retention of physicians.

    (b) The Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency are not subject to the requirements of this section.