Part 849 - Representative Payees  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 849.101 - Applicability and purpose.
§ 849.102 - Definitions.
§ 849.103 - Implementing directives.
Subpart B - Determining Whether or Not Representative Payment is Appropriate
§ 849.201 - When to make payment to a representative payee.
§ 849.202 - Payment of annuity while finding a suitable representative payee.
§ 849.203 - Information considered in determining whether to appoint a representative payee.
Subpart C - Selection of a Representative Payee
§ 849.301 - Information considered in selecting a representative payee.
§ 849.302 - Order of preference in selecting a representative payee.
§ 849.303 - Individuals who may not serve as a representative payee.
§ 849.304 - Selecting a representative payee.
§ 849.305 - Notice of the determination to select a representative payee.
Subpart D - Responsibility and Accountability of a Representative Payee
§ 849.401 - Responsibilities of a representative payee.
§ 849.402 - Use of payments.
§ 849.403 - Accountability of a representative payee.
Subpart E - Misuse of Annuity by a Representative Payee
§ 849.501 - Misuse of benefits by a representative payee.
§ 849.502 - Liability for misused funds.
Subpart F - Changes of the Representative Payee
§ 849.601 - When a new representative payee will be selected.
§ 849.602 - When representative payments will be stopped.
§ 849.603 - Transfer of conserved or accumulated funds.