Subpart C - Pay and Pay Administration  

Locality and Special Rate Supplements
§ 9701.331 - General.
§ 9701.332 - Locality rate supplements.
§ 9701.333 - Special rate supplements.
§ 9701.334 - Setting and adjusting locality and special rate supplements.
§ 9701.335 - Eligibility for pay increase associated with a supplement adjustment.
§ 9701.336 - Treatment of employees whose pay does not fall below the minimum adjusted rate of their band.
§ 9701.337 - Treatment of employees whose rate of pay falls below the minimum adjusted rate of their band.
Overview of Pay System
§ 9701.311 - Major features.
§ 9701.312 - Maximum rates.
§ 9701.313 - Homeland Security Compensation Committee.
§ 9701.314 - DHS responsibilities.
Performance-Based Pay
§ 9701.341 - General.
§ 9701.342 - Performance pay increases.
§ 9701.343 - Within-band reductions.
§ 9701.344 - Special within-band increases.
§ 9701.345 - Developmental pay adjustments.
§ 9701.346 - Pay progression for new supervisors.
Special Payments
§ 9701.361 - Special skills payments.
§ 9701.362 - Special assignment payments.
§ 9701.363 - Special staffing payments.
Setting and Adjusting Rate Ranges
§ 9701.321 - Structure of bands.
§ 9701.322 - Setting and adjusting rate ranges.
§ 9701.323 - Eligibility for pay increase associated with a rate range adjustment.
§ 9701.324 - Treatment of employees whose rate of basic pay does not fall below the minimum rate of their band.
§ 9701.325 - Treatment of employees whose rate of basic pay falls below the minimum rate of their band.
§ 9701.301 - Purpose.
§ 9701.302 - Coverage.
§ 9701.303 - Waivers.
§ 9701.304 - Definitions.
§ 9701.305 - Bar on collective bargaining.
Transitional Provisions
§ 9701.371 - General.
§ 9701.372 - Creating initial pay ranges.
§ 9701.373 - Conversion of employees to the DHS pay system.
§ 9701.374 - Special transition rules for Federal Air Marshal Service.
Pay Administration
§ 9701.351 - Setting an employee's starting pay.
§ 9701.352 - Use of highest previous rate.
§ 9701.353 - Setting pay upon promotion.
§ 9701.354 - Setting pay upon demotion.
§ 9701.355 - Setting pay upon movement to a different occupational cluster.
§ 9701.356 - Pay retention.
§ 9701.357 - Miscellaneous.