§ 990.104 - Accredited representatives of service organizations.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each recognized service organization shall file with OPM, on the prescribed form (OPM Form 306), the name of any officer whom it desires to be recognized as its accredited representative and OPM office or offices to which recognition is to be extended in the presentation of claims or appeals. In proposing a candidate for recognition as a representative, the organization, through its appropriate officer, shall certify to the following:

    (1) That the candidate is a citizen of the United States, of good character and reputation, is qualified by training or experience to assist in the presentation of claims, and is a member or employee of the organization.

    (2) That he is not employed in any civil or military department or agency of the United States, and is not a retired member of the Regular Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or Public Health Service.

    (3) Whether the candidate is a preference eligible and, if so, that he was honorably discharged from active service.

    (b) A single application (OPM Form 306) shall be filed with the central office of OPM for recognition before (1) the central office only, (2) two or more regional offices, or (3) the central office and one or more regional offices. Application shall be filed with the regional office where the candidate is to serve when recognition before only one regional office is requested. Application Form 306 shall be retained by the approving office of OPM.

    (c) The central office or regional director, as the case may be, is responsible for determining the qualifications of a candidate of a service organization for recognition. Normally, the candidate of a service organization will be approved. However, if there is doubt as to the qualifications or suitability of a candidate, appropriate investigation may be made to resolve the doubts. If it is determined that the candidate is qualified, duplicate copies of a letter of notice to that effect shall be issued to the veterans organization concerned, with an Identification Card (OPM Form 308) in the candidate's name signed by the appropriate official in the central office or the regional director. One copy of the letter of approval shall be retained by the organization and the other forwarded to the candidate with the Identification Card 308 countersigned by the appropriate officer of the organization. When approval is made by the central office, a copy of the letter of approval shall be sent to each regional office before which recognition of the candidate is approved. When approval is made by a regional office, a copy of the letter of approval shall be sent to the central office of OPM. Each regional office shall maintain a record of all accredited representatives approved for recognition before that regional office. The central office shall maintain a record of all accredited representatives approved by all regional directors and the central office. If the regional director's determination is adverse, or the case is one of doubtful aspect, the entire matter may be referred to OPM's central office, at the regional director's option, where it will be handled in the same manner as a request for recognition ordinarily handled by the central office.

    (d) Recognition may be canceled at the request of the organization. The central office or regional director may cancel or suspend a recognition for cause. When a regional director cancels or suspends a recognition, a report of the facts shall be made to the central office. Notice of cancellation or suspension shall be supplied in the same manner as a notice of recognition.

    (e) Nominations for accredited representatives of national service organizations are acceptable only if approved by the certifying officer, national headquarters, of the organization.

    (f) Letters of recognition issued by the central office to national and field officers of recognized organizations constitute authorization for their recognition in claims or appeals in any regional office within their respective assignments. Letters of recognition issued by a regional director constitute authorization for the accredited representatives to present claims or appeals in any regional office within their respective assignments.

    (g) When a representative has been recognized, a card shall be prepared in the office which approves the recognition, showing his name, address, organization, and date of recognition. Copies of this card shall be filed in the central office of OPM, and in the regional office by which he is recognized or in which he is authorized to act.