§ 9901.405 - Performance management system requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Secretary may issue implementing issuances further defining a performance management system for NSPS employees, subject to the requirements set forth in this subpart.

    (b) The NSPS performance management system—

    (1) Provides for the appraisal of the performance of each employee annually;

    (2) Holds supervisors and managers accountable for effectively managing the performance of employees under their supervision as set forth in paragraph (c) of this section;

    (3) Specifies procedures for setting and communicating performance expectations, monitoring performance and providing feedback, and developing, rating, and rewarding performance;

    (4) Specifies the criteria and procedures to address the performance of employees who are detailed or transferred and for employees in other special circumstances;

    (5) Provides for the following multiple rating levels:

    Rating of recordRating of record descriptor
    Level 5Role Model.
    Level 4Exceeds Expectations.
    Level 3Valued Performer.
    Level 2Fair.
    Level 1Unacceptable.

    (6) Specifies rounding rules for average adjusted ratings as follows:

    (i) The combination of the job objective rating and the contributing factor assessment results in an adjusted rating for each job objective;

    (ii) The job objective adjusted ratings are averaged to obtain the employee's raw score;

    (iii) Any objective rated as “NR” is not counted when averaging ratings;

    (iv) When the employee's raw score ends with .51 or higher, the rating is rounded to the next higher whole number;

    (v) When the employee's raw score ends with .50 or lower, the rating is rounded to the next lower whole number; and

    (vi) The resulting rounded score is the recommended rating of record.

    (c) In fulfilling the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section, supervisors and managers will—

    (1) Clearly communicate performance expectations and hold employees responsible for accomplishing them;

    (2) Make meaningful distinctions among employees based on performance and contribution;

    (3) Foster and reward excellent performance;

    (4) Address poor performance; and

    (5) Assure that employees are assigned a rating of record.