§ 9901.515 - Competitive examining procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a)(1) Under NSPS, applicants are appointed to career, career conditional, term, and temporary appointments in the competitive service using competitive examining procedures consistent with part 300, subpart A of this title. In recruiting applicants from outside the civil service for competitive appointments to competitive service positions in NSPS, Components with examining authority may use either numerical rating and ranking or alternative ranking and selection procedures ( i.e. , category rating). Components must decide which procedures to use prior to issuing a vacancy announcement and include this information in the vacancy announcement.

    (2) The Secretary will issue uniform policies, procedures, and guidance concerning competitive examining for NSPS within the Department and may delegate in writing authority for competitive examining for NSPS positions. All actions taken under competitive examining procedures will be made without regard to race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, political affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, marital or family status, or other prohibited criteria, and will be based solely on job-related factors. These policies, procedures, and guidance will be consistent with the “Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures” (1978) 43 FR 38290 (August 25, 1978) and part 332, subparts A and C of this title.

    (b) Public notice. (1) Components will accept applications from all U.S. citizens, to include current Federal employees, and at a minimum, will consider applicants from the local commuting area. Components may concurrently consider applicants from other targeted recruitment sources, as specified in the vacancy announcement. A targeted recruitment source is a category or grouping of potentially qualified individuals, such as all students at a particular university in a particular field of study. Targeted recruitment sources will be selected with equal protection considerations in mind, such as whether the sources will reach a diverse applicant pool. If there are insufficient qualified candidates in both the local commuting area and targeted recruitment sources, Components may consider applicants from outside that area.

    (2) When limiting consideration, the vacancy announcement will clearly state that consideration will be limited if sufficient qualified candidates are received from the local commuting area and other targeted recruitment sources. If sufficient candidates are not received from the local commuting area and other targeted recruitment sources, consideration will be expanded to all applicants; i.e. , the area of consideration will not be expanded incrementally.

    (3) No minimum announcement opening period is required. The open period will be based on the type of position being filled and the availability of qualified candidates in the labor market.

    (c) Numerical rating and ranking procedures. When filling positions using numerical rating and ranking, the procedures issued by the Secretary will be followed. All qualified applicants may be referred and selection may be made from among any referred applicant except that a preference eligible will not be passed over to select a non-preference eligible, unless procedures under 5 U.S.C. 3318 for passing over a preference eligible are followed.

    (d) Alternative ranking and selection procedures (category rating). When filling positions using category rating, procedures issued by the Secretary will be followed in lieu of the procedures in part 337, subpart C, except for §337.304, of this title.

    (e) Passing over preference eligibles. OPM retains the authority to grant or deny a pass over request of a preference eligible with a compensable service-connected disability of 30 percent or more and to make medical qualifications determinations pertaining to preference eligibles. The Secretary has the authority to grant or deny a pass over request of a preference eligible with a compensable service-connected disability of less than 30 percent.