§ 9901.608 - Displacement, release, and position offers.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Displacement to other positions on the retention list. (1) An employee who is displaced because of position abolishment, or because of displacement resulting from the abolishment of the position of a higher-standing employee on the retention list, may displace a lower-standing employee on the list if—

    (i) The higher-standing employee is qualified for the position consistent, as applicable, with 5 CFR 351.702, or the Department's own qualifications applied consistent with other requirements in 5 CFR 351.702;

    (ii) No undue interruption would result from the displacement; and

    (iii) The position of the lower-standing employee is in the same pay band, or in a lower pay band, as the position of the higher-standing employee.

    (2) A displacing employee retains his or her status and tenure.

    (b) Release from the retention list. (1) Employees are selected for release from the list on the basis of the ascending order of retention standing set forth in § 9901.607(a).

    (2) A competing employee may not be released from a retention list that contains a position held by a temporary employee when the competing employee is qualified to perform in that position under § 9901.608(a)(1)(i).

    (3) The release of an employee from the retention list may be temporarily postponed when appropriate under 5 CFR 351.506, 351.606, 351.607, and 351.608. Where part 351 uses the term “competitive level” in these four sections, the term retention list (as defined in this subpart) is substituted.

    (c) Placement in vacant positions. At the Secretary's option, an employee affected by § 9901.608(a)(1) may be offered a vacant position within the competitive area in lieu of reduction in force, based on relative retention standing as specified in § 9901.607(a).

    (d) Actions for employees with no offer. If a released employee does not receive an offer of another position under paragraph (c) of this section to a position on a different retention list, the Secretary may—

    (1) Separate the employee by reduction in force; or

    (2) Furlough the employee under § 9901.604(b)(3).