§ 9901.909 - Powers and duties of the Federal Labor Relations Authority.  

Latest version.
  • (a) To the extent provided in this subpart (pursuant to the authority in 5 U.S.C. 9902), the Federal Labor Relations Authority, in accordance with conforming regulations prescribed by the Authority, may—

    (1) Determine the appropriateness of bargaining units pursuant to the provisions of § 9901.912;

    (2) Supervise or conduct elections to determine whether a labor organization has been selected as an exclusive representative by a majority of the employees in an appropriate unit and otherwise administer 5 U.S.C. 7111 (relating to the according of exclusive recognition to labor organizations), which is not waived for the purpose of this subpart;

    (3) Resolve disputes regarding the granting of national consultation rights; and

    (4) Upon request of a party, review only those Board decisions on—

    (i) Unfair labor practices, except those issued under § 9901.908(c);

    (ii) Arbitral awards under § 9901.908; and

    (iii) Negotiability disputes.

    (b) In any matter filed with the Authority, if the responding party believes that the Authority lacks jurisdiction, that party will timely raise the issue with the Authority and simultaneously file a copy of its response with the Board in accordance with regulations established by the Authority. The Authority will promptly transfer the case to the Board, which will determine whether the matter is within the Board's jurisdiction. If the Board determines that the matter is not within its jurisdiction, the Board will return the matter to the Authority for a decision on the merits of the case. The Board's determination with regard to its jurisdiction in a particular matter is final and not subject to review by the Authority. The Authority will promptly decide those cases that the Board has determined are within the jurisdiction of the Authority.

    (c)(1) To obtain review by the Authority of a Board decision, a party will request a review of the record of a Board decision by the Authority by filing such a request in writing within 15 days after the issuance of the decision. A copy of the request will be served on all parties. Within 15 days after service of the request, any response will be filed. The Authority will establish, in conjunction with the Board, standards for the sufficiency of the record and other procedures, including notice to the parties. The Authority will accept the findings of fact and interpretations of this part made by the Board and sustain the Board's decision unless the requesting party shows that the Board's decision was—

    (i) Arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with law;

    (ii) Caused by harmful error in the application of the Board's procedures in arriving at such decision; or

    (iii) Unsupported by substantial evidence.

    (2) The Authority will complete its review of the record and issue a final decision within 30 days after receiving the party's response to such request for review. If the Authority does not issue a final decision within this mandatory time limit, the Authority will be considered to have denied the request for review of the Board's decision, which will constitute a final decision of the Authority and is subject to judicial review in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 7123.

    (d) Judicial review of any Authority decision is as prescribed in 5 U.S.C. 7123(a). The references in 5 U.S.C. 7123(a) to other provisions in 5 U.S.C. chapter 71 are considered to be references to those particular provisions as modified by this subpart.