§ 9901.919 - Collective bargaining above the level of recognition.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Negotiations can occur at the DoD or Component level with labor organization(s) at an organizational level above the level of exclusive recognition. The decision to negotiate at a level above the level of recognition as well as the unions involved, is within the sole and exclusive discretion of the Secretary to determine and will not be subject to review.

    (b) Any such agreement reached in these negotiations will—

    (1) Be binding on all subordinate bargaining units of the labor organization(s) afforded the opportunity to bargain above the level of recognition, and on DoD and its Components, without regard to levels of recognition;

    (2) Supersede all conflicting provisions of other collective bargaining agreements of the labor organization(s), including collective bargaining agreements negotiated with an exclusive representative at the level of recognition, except as otherwise determined by the Secretary;

    (3) Not be subject to further negotiations with the labor organizations for any purpose, including bargaining at the level of recognition, except as the Secretary may decide, in his or her sole and exclusive discretion; and

    (4) Be subject to review by the Board only to the extent provided by this subpart.

    (c) When agreement is reached under this section, individual labor organizations or bargaining units cannot opt out of or veto the agreement.

    (d) Negotiations will be subject to impasse resolution by the Board under procedures prescribed by the Board. In resolving impasses, the Board will ensure that agreement provisions are consistent with regard to all similarly situated employees. The determination as to which organizations are covered under national level bargaining is not subject to review by the Board;

    (e) The National Guard Bureau and the Army and Air Force National Guard are excluded from coverage under this section. Where National Guard employees are impacted, negotiations at the level of recognition are authorized.

    (f) The Secretary may require and a labor organization or organizations may request bargaining above the level of recognition, as appropriate. The Secretary has sole and exclusive authority to grant such requests; and

    (g) The Department will prescribe implementing issuances on the procedures and constraints associated with collective bargaining above the level of recognition.