Table 17 to Part 226 - Hydrologic Units and Counties Containing Critical Habitat for South-Central California Coast Steelhead, and Dams/Reservoirs Representing the Upstream Extent of Critical Habitat  

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  • Hydrologic Unit nameHydrologic Unit numberCounties1 within Hydrologic Unit and within range of ESUDams/ReservoirsPajaro18060002Monterey (CA), San Benito (CA), Santa Clara (CA), Santa Cruz (CA)Chesbro Reservoir, North Fork Pacheco ReservoirEstrella18060004Monterey (CA), San Luis Obispo (CA)Salinas18060005Monterey (CA), San Benito (CA), San Luis Obispo (CA)Nacimiento Reservoir, Salinas Dam, San Antonio ReservoirCentral Coastal18060006Monterey (CA), San Luis Obispo (CA)Lopez Dam, Whale Rock ReservoirAlisal-Elkhorn Sloughs18060011Monterey (CA), San Benito (CA)Carmel18060012Monterey (CA)1 Some counties have very limited overlap with estuarine, riverine, or riparian habitats identified as critical habitat for this ESU. Consult USGS hydrologic unit maps (available from USGS) to determine specific county and basin boundaries.