Table 1b to Part 660, Subpart C - —2023, Allocations by Species or Species Group  

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  • Table 1b to Part 660, Subpart C - 2021, Allocations by Species or Species Group

    [Weight in metric tons]

    Stocks/stock complexes Area Fishery HG or ACT a/b/ Trawl Non-Trawl
    % Mt % Mt
    Yelloweye Rockfish a/ Coastwide 41.2 8 3.3 92 37.9
    Arrowtooth flounder Coastwide 7,837.9 95 7,446 5 391.9
    Big skate a/ Coastwide 1,419.7 95 1,348.7 5 71
    Bocaccio a/ S of 40°10′ N lat 1,700.2 39 663.8 60 1,036.4
    Canary rockfish a/ Coastwide 1,268.6 72 917 28 351.6
    Chilipepper rockfish S of 40°10′ N lat 2,260.3 75 1,695.2 25 565.1
    Cowcod a/ S of 40°10′ N lat 50 36 18 64 32
    Darkblotched rockfish Coastwide 862.9 95 819.8 5 43.1
    Dover sole Coastwide 48,402.8 95 45,982.7 5 2,420.1
    English sole Coastwide 8,924.4 95 8,478.2 5 446.2
    Lingcod N of 40′10° N lat 5,090.6 45 2,290.8 55 2,799.8
    Lingcod a/ S of 40′10° N lat 1,089 40 435.6 60 653.4
    Longnose skate a/ Coastwide 1,571.6 90 1,414.4 10 157.2
    Longspine thornyhead N of 34°27′ N lat 2,580.3 95 2,451.3 5 129
    Pacific cod Coastwide 1,093.9 95 1,039.2 5 54.7
    Pacific ocean perch N of 40°10′ N lat 3,829.3 95 3,637.8 5 191.5
    Pacific whiting c/ Coastwide 304,005 100 304,005 0 0
    Petrale sole a/ Coastwide 3,727.9 3,697.9 30
    Sablefish N of 36° N lat NA See Table 1c
    Sablefish S of 36° N lat 1,861.6 42 782.3 58 1,080.3
    Shortspine thornyhead N of 34°27′ N lat 1,349.6 95 1,282.1 5 67.5
    Shortspine thornyhead S of 34°27′ N lat 749.3 50 699.3
    Splitnose rockfish S of 40°10′ N lat 1,647.6 95 1,565.2 5 82.4
    Starry flounder Coastwide 343.6 50 171.8 50 171.8
    Widow rockfish a/ Coastwide 14,476.7 14,076.7 400
    Yellowtail rockfish N of 40°10′ N lat 5,012.5 88 4,411.0 12 601.5
    Other Flatfish Coastwide 4581.1 90 4,123 10 458.1
    Shelf Rockfish a/ N of 40°10′ N lat 1,438.7 60.2 866.1 39.8 572.6
    Shelf Rockfish a/ S of 40°10′ N lat 1,305.2 12.2 159.2 87.8 1,146
    Slope Rockfish N of 40°10′ N lat 1,529.1 81 1,238.6 19 290.5
    Slope Rockfish a/ S of 40°10′ N lat 670.1 526.4 143.7

    [86 FR 32811, June 23, 2021]