Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries |
Chapter VI—Fishery Conservation and Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce |
Part 660 - Fisheries off West Coast States |
Subpart C - West Coast Groundfish Fisheries |
Table 2b to Part 660, Subpart C - —2024, and Beyond, Allocations by Species or Species Group
Latest version.
Table 2b to Part 660, Subpart C - 2022, and Beyond, Allocations by Species or Species Group
Table 2b to Part 660, Subpart C - 2022, and Beyond, Allocations by Species or Species Group
[Weight in Metric Tons]
Stocks/stock complexes Area Fishery HG or ACTab Trawl Non-trawl % Mt % Mt YELLOWEYE ROCKFISHa Coastwide 42.2 8 3.4 92 38.8 Arrowtooth flounder Coastwide 6,362.9 95 6,044.8 5 318.1 Big skatea Coastwide 1,331.7 95 1,265.1 5 66.6 Bocaccioa S of 40°10′ N lat 1,676.2 39.04 654.4 60.96 1,021.8 Canary rockfisha Coastwide 1,237.6 72.281 894.6 27.719 343.1 Chilipepper rockfish S of 40°10′ N lat 2,161.3 75 1,621 25 540.3 Cowcoda S of 40°10′ N lat 50 36 18 64 32 Darkblotched rockfish Coastwide 811.9 95 771.3 5 40.6 Dover sole Coastwide 4,8402.8 95 45,982.7 5 2,420.1 English sole Coastwide 8,850.4 95 8,407.8 5 442.5 Lingcod N of 40′10° N lat 4,679.6 45 2,105.8 55 2,573.8 Lingcoda S of 40'10° N lat 1,159 40 463.6 60 695.4 Longnose skatea Coastwide 1,509.6 90 1,358.6 10 151 Longspine thornyhead N of 34°27′ N lat 2,398.3 95 2,278.4 5 119.9 Pacific cod Coastwide 1,093.9 95 1,039.2 5 54.7 Pacific ocean perch N of 40°10′ N lat 3,686.3 95 3,502 5 184.3 Pacific whitingc Coastwide 331,443 100 331, 443 0 0 Petrale solea Coastwide 3,272.5 3,242.5 30 Sablefish N of 36° N lat NA See Table 1c Sablefish S of 36° N lat 1,781.6 42 748.3 58 1,033.3 Shortspine thornyhead N of 34°27′ N lat 1,314.6 95 1,248.9 5 65.7 Shortspine thornyhead S of 34°27′ N lat 730.3 50 680.3 Splitnose rockfish S of 40°10′ N lat 1,611.6 95 1,531 5 80.6 Starry flounder Coastwide 343.6 50 171.8 50 171.8 Widow rockfisha Coastwide 13,539.7 13,139.7 400 Yellowtail rockfish N of 40°10′ N lat 4,783.5 88 4,209.5 12 574 Other Flatfish Coastwide 4,617.1 90 4,155.4 10 461.7 Shelf Rockfisha N of 40° 10′ N lat 1,377.6 60.2 829.3 39.8 548.3 Shelf Rockfisha S of 40° 10′ N lat 1,295.2 12.2 158 87.8 1,137.2 Slope Rockfish N of 40° 10′ N lat 1,502.1 81 1,216.7 19 285.4 Slope Rockfisha S of 40° 10′ N lat 666.1 523.9 142.2 [87 FR 33449, June 2, 2022]