Table 55 to Part 679 - BSAI Species and Species Groups for Which Directed Fishing for Sideboard Limits by Non-Exempt AFA Catcher Vessels is Prohibited  

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  • Table 55 to Part 679 - BSAI Species and Species Groups for Which Directed Fishing for Sideboard Limits by Non-Exempt AFA Catcher Vessels is Prohibited

    Species or species group Management area or subarea Gear type
    Pacific cod BSAI Jig.
    Hook-and-line catcher vessel ≥ 60 ft.
    Hook-and-line catcher vessel ≤ 60 ft.
    Sablefish, trawl gear Bering Sea subarea of the BSAI All.
    AI All.
    Atka mackerel BSAI All.
    Rock sole BSAI All.
    Greenland turbot BS All.
    AI All.
    Arrowtooth flounder BSAI All.
    Kamchatka flounder BSAI All.
    Alaska plaice BSAI All.
    Other flatfish BSAI All.
    Flathead sole BSAI All.
    Pacific ocean perch BS All.
    Eastern Aleutian District All.
    Central Aleutian District All.
    Western Aleutian District All.
    Northern rockfish BSAI All.
    Shortraker rockfish BSAI All.
    Blackspotted and Rougheye rockfish Bering Sea subarea of the BSAI/Eastern Aleutian District All.
    Central Aleutian District/Western Aleutian District All.
    Other rockfish Bering Sea subarea of the BSAI All.
    AI All.
    Skates BSAI All.
    Sculpins BSAI All.
    Sharks BSAI All.
    Octopuses BSAI All.

    [84 FR 2729, Feb. 8, 2019]