§ 222.12-8 - Record of receipt and disposition.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Holders of certificates of exemption must maintain records of all pre-Act endangered species parts they receive, sell, transfer, distribute or dispose of otherwise. Purchasers of pre-Act endangered species parts, unless ultimate users, must similarly maintain records of all such parts or products they receive.

    (b) Such records as referred to in paragraph (a) of this section may consist of invoices or other commercial records which must be filed in an orderly manner separate from other commercial records maintained, and be readily available for inspection. Such records must (1) show the name and address of the purchaser, seller, or other transferor; (2) show the type, quantity, and identity of the part or product; (3) show the date of such sale or transfer; and (4) be retained, in accordance with the requirements of this subpart, for a period of not less than three years following the date of sale or transfer. Each pre-Act endangered species part will be identified by its number on the updated inventory required to renew a certificate of exemption.

    (c)(1) Each certificate of exemption holder must submit a quarterly report (to the address given in the certificate) containing all record information required by paragraph (b) on all transfers of pre-Act endangered species parts made in the previous calendar quarter, or such other record information the Assistant Administrator may specify from time to time.

    (2) Quarterly reports are due on January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15. The first report is due on October 15, 1985.

    (d) The Assistant Administrator may authorize the record information to be submitted in a manner other than that prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section when it is shown by the record holder that an alternate method of reporting is reasonably necessary and will not hinder the effective administration or enforcement of this subpart.