§ 225.5 - Cooperative agreement.  

Latest version.
  • Following receipt of an application by a State for a Cooperative Agreement and a determination by the Director that the State program for endangered and threatened species is adequate and active, the Director shall enter into an Agreement with the State. A Cooperative Agreement is necessary before a Grant-In-Aid Award can be approved for endangered or threatened species projects. The Cooperative Agreement must be reconfirmed annually to insure that it reflects new laws, species lists, rules or regulations, and programs, and to demonstrate that the program is still active and adequate. In order for a State to receive financial assistance, such Cooperative Agreement must also contain:

    (a) The actions that are to be taken by the Director and the State;

    (b) The benefits that are expected to be derived in connection with the conservation of endangered or threatened species; and

    (c) The estimated cost of these actions.