Subpart A - General
§ 285.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 285.2 - Definitions.
§ 285.3 - Prohibitions.
§ 285.4 - Facilitation of enforcement.
§ 285.5 - Civil procedures.
§ 285.6 - Civil penalities.
§ 285.7 - Experimental fishing exemption.
§ 285.8 - At-sea observer coverage.
§ 285.9 - Archival tags.
Subpart B - Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus thynnus)
§ 285.20 - Fishing seasons.
§ 285.21 - Vessel permits.
§ 285.22 - Quotas.
§ 285.23 - Incidental catch.
§ 285.24 - Catch limits.
§ 285.25 - Purse seine vessel requirements.
§ 285.26 - Size classes.
§ 285.27 - Tag and release program.
§ 285.28 - Dealer permits.
§ 285.29 - Recordkeeping and reporting.
§ 285.30 - Tags.
§ 285.31 - Prohibitions.
§ 285.32 - Civil penalties.
§ 285.33 - Gear restrictions.
§ 285.34 - Restrictions on sale.
Subpart C - Atlantic Tunas Other Than Bluefin Tuna
§ 285.50 - Species subject to regulation.
§ 285.51 - Authorized fishing gear.
§ 285.52 - Size limits.
§ 285.53 - Vessel permits.
§ 285.54 - Vessel recordkeeping and reporting.
§ 285.55 - Dealer permits.
§ 285.56 - Dealer recordkeeping and reporting.
§ 285.57 - Purse seine vessel requirements.
§ 285.58 - Incidental catch.
§ 285.59 - Prohibitions.
Subpart D - Restrictions on Tuna Imports
§ 285.80 - Basis and purpose.
§ 285.81 - Species subject to regulation.
§ 285.82 - Species under investigation by the Commission.
§ 285.83 - Investigations authorized.
§ 285.84 - Publication of findings.
§ 285.85 - Proof of admissibility.
§ 285.86 - Removal of import restrictions.
§ 285.87 - Import restrictions for Belize, Honduras, and Panama.
Subpart E - International Port Inspection
§ 285.100 - Basis and purpose.
§ 285.101 - Authorized officer.
§ 285.102 - Vessels subject to inspection.
§ 285.103 - Reports.
Subpart F - Bluefin Tuna Statistical Documentation
§ 285.200 - Species subject to documentation requirements.
§ 285.201 - Documentation requirements.
§ 285.202 - Contents of documentation.
§ 285.203 - Validation requirements.
§ 285.204 - Ports of entry.
§ 285.205 - Prohibitions.