§ 285.27 - Tag and release program.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Notwithstanding other provisions of this part, a person aboard a vessel permitted under this part, other than a person aboard a vessel permitted in the General category on a designated restricted-fishing day, may fish for Atlantic bluefin tuna under a tag and release program, provided the person tags all Atlantic bluefin tuna so caught with tags issued or approved by NMFS under this section, and releases and returns such fish to the sea immediately after tagging and with a minimum of injury. To participate in this program, an angler must obtain tags, reporting cards, and detailed instructions for their use from the Cooperative Tagging Center, Southeast Fisheries Center, NMFS, 75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami, FL 33149-1099 or by calling (800)437-3936.

    (b) Tags obtained from sources other than NMFS may be used to fish for Atlantic bluefin tuna provided the angler has registered each year with the Cooperative Tagging Center and the NMFS program manager has approved the use of tags from that source. Anglers using an alternative source of tags wishing to tag bluefin tuna can call (800) 437-3936 or write NMFS at the address given above.

    (c) Anglers registering for the Atlantic bluefin tagging program are required to provide their name, address, phone number, and, if applicable, identify the alternate source of tags.

    (d) If NMFS-issued or NMFS-approved tags are not on board a vessel, all anglers on board that vessel are deemed to be ineligible to fish under this section.