§ 285.29 - Recordkeeping and reporting.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Any person issued a dealer permit under § 285.28 must report via electronic facsimile (fax) or an Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) as instructed by the Regional Director within 24 hours of the purchase or receipt of each Atlantic bluefin tuna from the person or vessel that harvested the fish. Said report via fax or the IVRS must include the tag number affixed to the fish by the dealer, the date landed, the round and/or dressed weight (indicating which weight(s) measured), the total or pectoral fin curved fork length (indicating which length(s) measured), and the permit category of the landing vessel. In addition, dealers must submit to the Regional Director a daily report on a reporting card provided by NMFS. Said card must be postmarked and mailed at the dealer's expense within 24 hours of the purchase or receipt of each Atlantic bluefin tuna. Each vessel permit holder or vessel operator must sign each reporting card immediately upon transfer of the fish to verify the name of the vessel that landed the fish and the vessel permit number, and each card must indicate the tag number affixed to the fish by the dealer or assigned by an authorized officer, the date landed, the port where landed, the round and/or dressed weight (indicating which weight(s) measured), the total and/or pectoral fin curved fork length (indicating which length(s) measured), gear used, and area where the fish was caught. The dealer purchasing or receiving the Atlantic bluefin tuna must inspect the vessel permit and verify that the required vessel name and vessel permit information is correctly recorded on the reporting card.

    (b) Any person issued a dealer permit under § 285.28 must submit to the Regional Director a bi-weekly report on forms supplied by NMFS.

    (1) Said report must be postmarked and mailed, at the dealer's expense, within 10 days after the end of each 2-week reporting period in which Atlantic bluefin tuna were purchased, received, or imported. The biweekly reporting periods are defined as the first day through the 14th day of each month and the 15th day through the last day of the month. Each report must specify accurately and completely for each tuna purchased or received: Date of landing or import, vessel Atlantic Bluefin Tuna permit number (if applicable), tail tag number, weight in pounds or kilograms (specify if round or dressed), nature of the sale (dockside or consignment), price per pound or kilogram (round or dressed weight), and destination of the fish (domestic or export). In addition, dealers may indicate the quality rating of their bluefin tuna: (A, B, or C) for four attributes (freshness, fat, color, and shape).

    (2) At the top of each form, the dealer must indicate the company name, license number, and the name of the person filling out the report. In addition, the beginning and ending dates of the 2-week reporting week period must be specified by the dealer and noted at the top of the form.

    (c) Any person issued a dealer permit under § 285.28 must allow an authorized officer, or any employee of NMFS designated by the Regional Director for this purpose, to inspect and copy any records of transfers, purchases, or receipts of Atlantic bluefin tuna;

    (d) Any person issued a dealer permit under § 285.28 must retain at his/her place of business a copy of each landing card (including proof of fax or IVRS transmission) and a copy of each bi-weekly report for a period of 2 years from the date on which each was required to be submitted to the Regional Director.

    (e) Each operator of a buy-boat, in addition to the above, must notify the Regional Director of any intended offloading, and must request a vessel inspection at least 6 hours before such offloading, by calling 508-281-9261 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, local time, or at all other times during the day and weekends, by calling 508-992-7711. In making the request for inspection, the owner or operator of the buy-boat or a designated representative must provide his/her name, the buy-boat's name and permit number, the number of tuna received, and the location and anticipated time of landing in port.

    (f) Beginning July 1, 1997 anglers are required to report directly to NMFS all ABT landed under the Angling category quota. Permittees will be notified by the Director of the applicable reporting requirements and procedures. Alternative reporting procedures may be established by the Director in cooperation with the states and may include telephone, dockside or mail surveys, mail-in or phone-in reports, tagging programs, or mandatory ABT check-in stations. A statistically-based sample of the Angling category permittees may be selected for these alternative reporting programs.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB control number 0648-0239)