§ 285.31 - Prohibitions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) It is unlawful for any person or vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to do any of the following:

    (1) Fish for, catch, possess, or land Atlantic bluefin tuna without a valid permit required under § 285.21 and carried onboard the vessel;

    (2) Fish for, catch, possess, or land Atlantic bluefin tuna after fishing has been closed or before fishing has commenced under § 285.20, except under the provisions of § 285.27;

    (3) Fish for, catch, possess or retain Atlantic bluefin tuna in excess of the quotas specified in § 285.22 except that fish may be caught and released under the provisions of § 285.27.

    (4) Fish for, catch, or possess or retain Atlantic bluefin tuna in excess of the catch limits specified in § 285.24, except that fish may be caught and released under the provisions of § 285.27.

    (5) Fish for, catch, possess, or land Atlantic bluefin tuna in excess of any allocation made under § 285.25(d);

    (6) Fish for or catch Atlantic bluefin tuna in a directed fishery with purse seine nets without an allocation made under § 285.25(d);

    (7) Fish for or catch Atlantic bluefin tuna in a directed fishery with nets other than those specified in § 285.25;

    (8) For any vessel other than a vessel holding a purse seine permit issued under § 285.21(b), to approach to within 100 yd (91.5 meters) of the cork line of any purse seine net used by any vessel fishing for Atlantic bluefin tuna, or for any such purse seine vessel to approach to within 100 yd (91.5 meters) of any vessel, other than a purse seine vessel, actively fishing for Atlantic bluefin tuna;

    (9) Retain or land Atlantic bluefin tuna in excess of the incidental catch provisions under § 285.23;

    (10) Land any Atlantic bluefin tuna in forms other than round (fins intact), or other than eviscerated with the head and fins removed, except that one pectoral fin and the tail must remain attached;

    (11) Retain any Atlantic bluefin tuna caught under the tag and release program allowed under § 285.27;

    (12) Purchase, receive, or transfer Atlantic bluefin tuna from any person or vessel without a valid dealer permit issued under § 285.28(a);

    (13) Purchase, receive, or transfer any Atlantic bluefin tuna at sea from a person or vessel engaged in fishing for such tuna without a valid dealer permit for buy-boat operations issued under § 285.28 unless between permitted purse seine vessels as authorized under § 285.25(e);

    (14) Sell, offer for sale, or transfer any Atlantic bluefin tuna to any person or vessel other than to a person or vessel with a permit issued under § 285.28;

    (15) Sell, offer for sale, or transfer to any person for a commercial purpose any large medium or giant Atlantic bluefin tuna caught with rod and reel gear under § 285.24(d)(2) or § 285.24(e)(2);

    (16) Engage in fishing with a vessel issued a permit under § 285.21 unless the vessel travels to and from the area where it will be fishing under its own power and the person operating that vessel brings any Atlantic bluefin tuna under control (secured to the catching vessel or aboard) with no assistance from other vessels, except in circumstances where the safety of the vessel or its crew is jeopardized or due to other circumstances beyond the control of the operator;

    (17) Fail to release immediately with a minimum of injury any Atlantic bluefin tuna that will not be retained;

    (18) Fail to inspect any vessel's permit or fail to affix immediately to any large medium or giant Atlantic bluefin tuna, between the fifth dorsal finlet and the keel, an individually numbered tail tag when the tuna has been received for a commercial purpose or purchased by that dealer from any person or vessel having caught such tuna;

    (19) Remove any tag affixed to an Atlantic bluefin tuna under § 285.30(c)(1) or under § 285.202(a)(6)(v), before removal is allowed under § 285.30(d), or fail to write the tag number on the shipping package or container as prescribed by that section;

    (20) Purchase or transport with a buy-boat any Atlantic bluefin tuna captured incidentally by longlines;

    (21) Begin fishing or offloading from any purse seine vessel to which a permit has been issued under § 285.21 any Atlantic bluefin tuna without first requesting an inspection of the vessel in accordance with § 285.25;

    (22) Fail to report the catching of any Atlantic bluefin tuna to which a plastic tag has been affixed under a tag and release program conducted by NMFS or any other scientific organization or in which an archival tag has been affixed or implanted;

    (23) Falsify or fail to make, keep, maintain, or submit any reports, or other record required by this subpart;

    (24) Refuse to allow an authorized officer to make inspections for the purpose of checking any records relating to the catching, harvesting, landing, purchase, or sale of any Atlantic bluefin tuna required by this subpart;

    (25) Make any false statement, oral or writtten, to an authorized officer concerning the catching, harvesting, landing, purchase, sale, or transfer of any Atlantic bluefin tuna;

    (26) Fish for, catch, retain, possess or land Atlantic bluefin tuna with longline gear except as provided in § 285.23(c);

    (27) Fish for or catch Atlantic bluefin tuna with longline gear, or while having longline gear on board, if the vessel is permitted in the General or Harpoon Boat category under § 285.21;

    (28) Fish for or catch school, large school or small medium Atlantic bluefin tuna with gear other than hook and line, which is held by hand or rod and reel made for this purpose, or to possess such fish taken with unauthorized gear;

    (29) Use or possess handline or harpoon flotation gear which is not marked in accordance with § 285.33, or is marked with the Atlantic bluefin tuna permit number of another vessel;

    (30) Fish for, catch, possess, or retain Atlantic bluefin tuna from the Gulf of Mexico except as specified under § 285.23(c) or § 285.24(e)(2), or if taken incidental to recreational fishing for other species and retained in accordance with § 285.24(d)(2);

    (31) Fish for, catch, possess or retain Atlantic bluefin tuna with a gear type or in a manner other than specified in §§ 285.21, 285.22, 285.23, 285.24 and 285.25, or other than authorized under an experimental fishing exemption issued pursuant to the requirements of § 285.7;

    (32) Interfere with, delay, or prevent by any means, the apprehension of another person, knowing that such person has committed any act prohibited by this part;

    (33) Retain young school Atlantic bluefin tuna for any purpose;

    (34) Sell, offer for sale, purchase, receive for a commercial purpose, trade, or barter, or if a seafood dealer or processor, retain or possess, any Atlantic bluefin tuna other than a large medium or giant, except with documentation as specified in § 285.34;

    (35) Refuse to permit access of NMFS personnel to inspect any records relating to, or area of custody of, Atlantic bluefin tuna;

    (36) Reuse any tail tag previously affixed to an Atlantic bluefin tuna under § 285.30 or reuse any tail tag number previously written on a shipping package or container as prescribed by that section; or

    (37) Fish for, catch, possess, or retain any Atlantic bluefin tuna less than the large medium size class from a vessel other than one issued a permit for the Angling or Charter/Headboat categories under § 285.21, or a permit for the Purse Seine category under § 285.21 as authorized under § 285.23(d), or, for calendar year 1997, a permit for the General category under § 285.21.

    (38) Fail to cease fishing and return to port once the catch limit for large medium and giant bluefin is retained or possessed on board vessels permitted in the General and Charter/Headboat categories.

    (39) For owners or operators of General category permitted vessels, and persons aboard vessels permitted in the General category under § 285.21, to fish for, catch, possess, or retain, or to attempt to fish for, catch, possess, or retain Atlantic bluefin tuna on designated restricted-fishing days.

    (b) It is unlawful for any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to violate any other provision of this subpart, the Act, or any other rules promulgated under the Act.