Part 36 - Alaska National Wildlife Refuges  

Subpart A - Introduction and General Provisions
§ 36.1 - How do the regulations in this part apply to me and what do they cover?
§ 36.2 - What do these terms mean?
§ 36.3 - Information collection.
Subpart B - Subsistence Uses
§ 36.11 - Purpose and policy.
§ 36.12 - Use of snowmobiles, motorboats, dog teams and other means of surface transportation traditionally employed by local rural residents engaged in subsistence uses.
§ 36.13 - Subsistence fishing.
§ 36.14 - Subsistence hunting and trapping.
§ 36.15 - Subsistence uses of timber and plant material.
§ 36.16 - Closure to subsistence uses of fish and wildlife.
Subpart C - XXX
Subpart D - Other Refuge Uses
§ 36.31 - Recreational activities.
§ 36.32 - Taking of fish and wildlife.
§ 36.33 - What do I need to know about using cabins and related structures on Alaska National Wildlife Refuges?
§ 36.34 - Firearms.
§ 36.35 - Unattended property.
§ 36.36 - Sled dogs and household pets.
§ 36.37 - Revenue producing visitor services.
Subpart E - Refuge Specific Regulations
§ 36.39 - Public use.
Subpart F - Permits and Public Participation and Closure Procedures
§ 36.41 - Permits.
§ 36.42 - Public participation and closure procedures.
Table I to Part 36 - Summary Listing the National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska as established by the Alaska Lands Act, Pub. L. 96-487, December 2, 1980