§ 665.102 - Bottomfish Interim Catch Limit.  

Latest version.
  • § 665.102 Bottomfish interim catch limit.

    (a) The interim catch limit for American Samoa bottomfish MUS for the 2021 fishing year is 13,000 lb.

    (b) When the interim catch limit is projected to be reached, the Regional Administrator shall publish a document to that effect in the Federal Register and shall use other means to notify permit holders. The document will include an advisement that the fishery will be closed, beginning at a specified date that is not earlier than seven days after the date of filing the closure notice for public inspection at the Office of the Federal Register, through the end of the fishing year in which the interim catch limit is reached or the end of the effective period of this rule, whichever comes first.

    (c) On and after the date the fishery is closed as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, fishing for and possession of American Samoa bottomfish MUS is prohibited in Federal waters around American Samoa, except as otherwise authorized by law.

    (d) On and after the date the fishery is closed as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, possession, sale, offering for sale, and purchase of any American Samoa bottomfish MUS caught in Federal waters around American Samoa is prohibited.

    [86 FR 32362, June 21, 2021]