§ 665.26 - Longline fishing prohibited area management.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Prohibited areas. Longline fishing shall be prohibited in the longline fishing prohibited areas as defined in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section.

    (b) Longline protected species zone. The protected species zone is 50 nm from the center geographical positions of Nihoa Island, Necker Island, French Frigate Shoals, Gardner Pinnacles, Maro Reef, Laysan Island, Lisianski Island, Pearl and Hermes Reef, Midway Islands, and Kure Island, as defined in § 665.12.

    (c) Main Hawaiian Islands. (1) From February 1 through September 30 each year, the longline fishing prohibited area around the main Hawaiian Islands is the portion of the EEZ seaward of Hawaii bounded by straight lines connecting the following coordinates in the order listed:

    PointN. lat.DW. long.A18°05′155°40′B18°20′156°25′C20°00′157°30′D20°40′161°40′E21°40′161°55′F23°00′161°30′G23°05′159°30′H22°55′157°30′I21°30′155°30′J19°50′153°50′K19°00′154°05′A18°05′155°40′

    (2) From October 1 through the following January 31 each year, the longline fishing prohibited area around the main Hawaiian Islands is the portion of the EEZ seaward of Hawaii bounded by straight lines connecting the following coordinates in the order listed:

    PointN. lat.W. long.A18°05′155°40′L18°25′155°40′M19°00′154°45′N19°15′154°25′O19°40′154°20′P20°20′154°55′Q20°35′155°30′R21°00′155°35′S22°30′157°35′T22°40′159°35′U22°25′160°20′V21°55′160°55′W21°40′161°00′E21°40′161°55′D20°40′161°40′C20°00′157°30′B18°20′156°25′A18°05′155°40′

    (d) Guam. The longline fishing prohibited area around Guam is the waters seaward of Guam bounded by straight lines connecting the following coordinates in the order listed:

    PointN. lat.E. long.A14°25′144°00′B14°00′143°38′C13°41′143°33′33″D13°00′143°25′30″E12°20′143°37′F11°40′144°09′G12°00′145°00′H13°00′145°42′I13°27′145°51′