§ 665.75 - Closed season.  

Latest version.
  • (a) All fishing for, or possession of, any Hawaii Restricted Bottomfish Species as specified in § 665.71, is prohibited in the Main Hawaiian Islands Management Subarea during September 1, 2008, through November 14, 2008, inclusive. All such species possessed in the Main Hawaiian Islands Management Subarea are presumed to have been taken and retained from that Subarea, unless otherwise demonstrated by the person in possession of those species.

    (b) Hawaii Restricted Bottomfish Species, as specified in § 665.71, may not be sold or offered for sale during September 1, 2008, through November 14, 2008, inclusive, except as otherwise authorized by law.

    (c) Fishing for, and the resultant possession or sale of, Hawaii Restricted Bottomfish Species by vessels legally registered to Mau Zone, Ho'omalu Zone, or PRIA bottomfish fishing permits and conducted in compliance with all other laws and regulations, is exempted from paragraphs (a) and (b).