§ 80.33 - How does an agency decide who to count as paid license holders in the annual certification?  

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  • § 80.33 How does an agency decide who to count as paid license holders in the annual certification?

    (a) A State fish and wildlife agency must count only those people who have a license issued:

    (1) In the license holder's name; or

    (2) With a unique identifier that is traceable to the license holder, who must be verifiable in State records.

    (b) An A State fish and wildlife agency must follow the rules in this table in deciding how to count license holders in the annual certification:

    Type of license holder How to count each license holder (1) A person who has either a paid hunting license or a paid sportfishing license

    count a person holding a single-year license only once in the certification period in which the license first becomes valid. (Single-year licenses are valid for any length of time less than 2 years.)

    (c) A person is counted as a valid license holder even if the person is not required to have a paid license or is unable to hunt or fish





    d) A person

    who has

    having more than one

    paid hunting license because the person either voluntarily obtained them or was required to have more than one licenseOnce. (3) A person who has more than one paid sportfishing license because the person either voluntarily obtained them or was required to have more than one licenseOnce. (4) A person who has a paid single-year hunting license or a paid single-year sportfishing license for which the agency receives at least $1 of net revenue. (Single-year licenses are valid for any length of time less than 2 years.)Once in the certification period in which the license first becomes valid. (5) A person who has a paid multiyear hunting license or a paid multiyear sportfishing license for which the agency receives at least $1 of net revenue for each year in which the license is valid. (Multiyear licenses must also meet the requirements at § 80.35.)Once in each certification period in which the license is valid. (6) A person holding a paid single-year combination license permitting both hunting and sportfishing for which the agency receives at least $2 of net revenueTwice in the first certification period in which the license is valid: once as a person who has a paid hunting license, and once as a person who has a paid sportfishing license. (7) A person holding a paid multiyear combination license permitting both hunting and sportfishing for which the agency receives at least $2 of net revenue for each year in which the license is valid. (Multiyear licenses must also meet the requirements in § 80.35.)Twice in each certification period in which the license is valid; once as a person who has a paid hunting license, and once as a person who has a paid sportfishing license. (8

    valid hunting license is counted only once each certification period as a hunter. A person having more than one valid fishing license is counted only once each certification period as an angler. A person having both a valid hunting license and a valid fishing license, or a valid combination hunting/fishing license, may be counted once each certification period as a hunter and once each certification period as an angler. The license holder may have voluntarily obtained them or was required to have them in order to obtain a different privilege.

    (e) A person who has a license that allows the license holder only to trap animals or only to engage in commercial fishing or other commercial activities


    must not be counted.