§ 83.9 - Conservation plans.  

Latest version.
  • A conservation plan submitted to the regional director for approval shall meet the requirements for substantiality set forth in § 83.12(a) and the standards prescribed in the Federal Aid Manual, and shall:

    (a) Identify the species of nongame fish and wildlife, and other fish and wildlife deemed appropriate by the designated State agency which are within the State and are valued for ecological, educational, aesthetic, cultural, recreational, economic, or scientific benefits by the public;

    (b) Provide for inventory(ies) of the identified species (plan species) to determine:

    (1) Their population size, distribution, and range; and

    (2) The extent, condition, and location of their significant habitats.

    (c) Identify the significant problems which may adversely affect the plan species;

    (d) Determine actions which should be taken to conserve the plan species and their significant habitats. Actions proposed will seek to optimize population levels, population distributions, and human benefits while taking fully into account the effects on non-target species and user groups. The actions will utilize methods and procedures which will, to the maximum extent practicable, ensure the well-being and enhancement of the plan species;

    (e) Establish priorities for implementing the actions proposed in (d);

    (f) Provide for regular monitoring of the plan species and the effectiveness of the actions implemented;

    (g) Provide for the review of the plan and revision, if appropriate, at intervals of not more than 3 years;

    (h) Describe procedures by which inputs have been solicited from the public during plan development and by which inputs will be solicited during revision and implementation of the plan;

    (i) Indicate State and Federal agencies which were consulted during plan development and which will be consulted during plan implementation. If plan implementation will entail substantive cooperation with other agencies, an agreement describing the intended cooperation and signed by the involved parties must be executed before funding is authorized.