Part 84 - National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program  

Subpart A - General Background
§ 84.10 - What is the purpose and scope of this rule?
§ 84.11 - How does the Service define the terms used in this rule?
§ 84.12 - What are the information collection, record keeping, and reporting requirements?
Subpart B - Applying for Grants
§ 84.20 - What are the grant eligibility requirements?
§ 84.21 - How do I apply for a National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant?
§ 84.22 - What needs to be included in grant proposals?
Subpart C - Project Selection
§ 84.30 - How are projects selected for grants?
§ 84.31 - An overview of the ranking criteria.
§ 84.32 - What are the ranking criteria?
Subpart D - Conditions on Acceptance/Use of Federal Money
§ 84.40 - What conditions must I follow to accept Federal grant money?
§ 84.41 - Who prepares a grant agreement? What needs to be included?
§ 84.42 - What if a grant agreement is not signed?
§ 84.43 - How do States get the grant monies?
§ 84.44 - What is the timetable for the use of grant money?
§ 84.45 - How do I amend a proposal?
§ 84.46 - What are the cost-sharing requirements?
§ 84.47 - What are allowable costs?
§ 84.48 - What are the procedures for acquiring, maintaining, and disposing of real property?
§ 84.49 - What if the project costs more or less than originally expected?
§ 84.50 - How does a State certify compliance with Federal laws, regulations, and policies?