§ 86.52 - What does the Service consider when evaluating a project on the need for more or improved boating infrastructure?  

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  • § 86.52 What does the Service consider when evaluating a project on the need for more or improved boating infrastructure?

    In evaluating a proposed project under the criterion at §§ 86.51(a)(1) on the need for more or improved boating infrastructure facilities, we consider whether the project will:

    (a) Construct new boating infrastructure in an area that lacks it, but where eligible vessels now travel or would travel if the project were completed;

    (b) Renovate a facility to:

    (1) Improve its physical condition;

    (2) Follow local building codes;

    (3) Improve generally accepted safety standards; or

    (4) Adapt it to a new purpose for which there is a demonstrated need;

    (c) Create accessibility for eligible vessels by reducing wave action, increasing depth, or making other physical improvements;

    (d) Expand an existing marina or mooring site that is unable to accommodate current or projected demand by eligible vessels; or

    (e) Make other improvements to accommodate an established eligible need.