Part 27 - Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards  

Subpart A - General
§ 27.100 - Purpose.
§ 27.105 - Definitions.
§ 27.110 - Applicability.
§ 27.115 - Implementation.
§ 27.120 - Designation of a coordinating official; Consultations and technical assistance.
§ 27.125 - Severability.
Subpart B - Chemical Facility Security Program
§ 27.200 - Information regarding security risk for a chemical facility.
§ 27.203 - Calculating the screening threshold quantity by security issue.
§ 27.204 - Minimum concentration by security issue.
§ 27.205 - Determination that a chemical facility “presents a high level of security risk.”
§ 27.210 - Submissions schedule.
§ 27.215 - Security vulnerability assessments.
§ 27.220 - Tiering.
§ 27.225 - Site security plans.
§ 27.230 - Risk-based performance standards.
§ 27.235 - Alternative security program.
§ 27.240 - Review and approval of security vulnerability assessments.
§ 27.245 - Review and approval of site security plans.
§ 27.250 - Inspections and audits.
§ 27.255 - Recordkeeping requirements.
Subpart C - Orders and Adjudications
§ 27.300 - Orders.
§ 27.305 - Neutral adjudications.
§ 27.310 - Commencement of adjudication proceedings.
§ 27.315 - Presiding officers for proceedings.
§ 27.320 - Prohibition on ex parte communications during proceedings.
§ 27.325 - Burden of proof.
§ 27.330 - Summary decision procedures.
§ 27.335 - Hearing procedures.
§ 27.340 - Completion of adjudication proceedings.
§ 27.345 - Appeals.
Subpart D - Other
§ 27.400 - Chemical-terrorism vulnerability information.
§ 27.405 - Review and preemption of State laws and regulations.
§ 27.410 - Third-party actions.
Appendix A to Part 27 - DHS Chemicals of Interest