Appendix to Part 227 - Apportionment of Funds for Nutrition Education and Training

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  • Appendix to Part 227 - Apportionment of Funds for Nutrition Education and Training

    Pursuant to sections 19(j) of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1788), funds available for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, are apportioned among the States as follows:

    [See footnotes at the end of Table.]

    State Public schools1 Private schools2 Residential child care institutions3 Nonresidential child care institutions4 Total5
    Connecticut 231,069 38,488 1,260 2,866 273,683
    Maine 93,406 6,538 387 808 101,139
    Massachusetts 420,866 68,337 2,697 5,352 497,252
    New Hampshire 67,087 7,978 331 1,160 76,556
    Rhode Island 62,521 12,570 304 767 76,162
    Vermont 39,419 3,814 247 579 75,000
    914,368 137,725 5,226 11,532 1,099,792
    Delaware 43,210 7,277 107 1,339 75,000
    District of Columbia 44,309 7,511 447 2,458 75,000
    Maryland 315,196 51,992 1,292 5,234 373,714
    New Jersey 520,438 117,060 3,930 8,588 650,016
    New York 1,204,026 274,593 14,068 19,756 1,512,443
    Pennsylvania 796,518 182,089 9,026 7,312 994,945
    Puerto Rico 280,750 36,776 0 0 317,526
    Virginia 410,660 34,947 6,239 6,068 457,914
    Virgin Islands 9,783 2,452 11 0 75,000
    West Virginia 154,000 4,942 770 854 160,566
    3,778,890 719,639 35,890 51,609 4,692,124
    Alabama 296,412 21,949 892 10,607 329,860
    Florida 589,122 57,440 2,116 19,074 667,752
    Georgia5 424,042 27,708 2,783 14,806 469,339
    Kentucky 269,690 27,786 3,685 3,652 304,813
    Mississippi 192,134 25,802 541 12,175 230,652
    North Carolina 452,523 22,104 3,052 19,722 497,401
    South Carolina5 243,200 19,225 1,255 6,559 270,239
    Tennessee 339,753 17,396 1,448 7,847 366,444
    2,806,876 219,410 15,772 94,442 3,136,500
    Illinois 793,671 160,491 5,343 15,971 975,476
    Indiana 433,267 39,967 2,814 5,279 481,327
    Michigan 747,374 85,655 3,069 7,817 843,915
    Minnesota 314,333 38,994 1,245 3,135 357,707
    Ohio 818,192 110,561 5,836 10,767 945,356
    Wisconsin 344,962 73,707 1,922 3,579 424,170
    3,451,799 509,375 20,229 46,548 4,027,951
    Arkansas 177,730 8,095 385 4,453 190,663
    Louisiana 317,817 64,562 1,551 6,307 390,237
    New Mexico 108,673 5,448 235 2,619 116,975
    Oklahoma 229,166 3,969 1,916 8,639 243,690
    Texas 1,115,829 52,654 4,163 38,934 1,211,580
    1,949,215 134,728 8,250 60,952 2,153,145
    Colorado5 217,264 15,800 937 4,399 238,400
    Iowa 221,255 25,957 3,204 2,631 253,047
    Kansas 168,720 12,765 330 1,062 182,877
    Missouri 350,248 54,950 1,271 6,629 413,098
    Montana 63,950 3,425 75 677 75,000
    Nebraska 115,891 17,629 376 1,694 135,590
    North Dakota5 47,486 4,826 309 383 75,000
    South Dakota 53,792 5,760 267 390 75,000
    Utah 126,488 1,518 541 1,325 129,872
    Wyoming 36,709 1,206 74 497 75,000
    1,401,803 143,836 7,384 19,687 1,652,884
    Alaska 35,308 739 310 392 75,000
    Samoa 3,616 778 0 0 75,000
    Arizona 198,407 21,871 661 4,712 225,651
    California 1,629,801 170,376 28,777 44,277 1,873,231
    Guam 11,118 1,985 0 0 75,000
    Hawaii 66,454 13,348 1,854 3,352 85,008
    Idaho 79,009 1,868 119 860 81,856
    Nevada 56,927 2,179 473 1,643 75,000
    Oregon 183,441 9,379 859 3,703 197,382
    Trust Territory 11,590 0 0 0 75,000
    Washington 299,362 17,318 2,140 5,656 324,476
    N Marianas 1,945 0 0 0 75,000
    2,576,978 239,841 35,193 64,595 3,237,604
    16,879,929 2,104,554 127,944 349,365 20,000,000

    [44 FR 70451, Dec. 7, 1979]