Exhibit B to Subpart A of Part 1910 - Letter to Notify Socially Disadvantaged Applicants/Borrowers Regarding the Availability of Direct Farm Ownership (FO) Loans and the Acquisition/Leasing of FmHA or Its Successor Agency Under Public Law 103-354 Acquired Farmland  

Latest version.
  • United States Department of Agriculture Farmers Home Administration or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 (Insert address) Date ____

    Dear ____:

    The Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 has authority under the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act to target direct farm ownership (FO) loan funds to applicants/borrowers of socially disadvantaged groups. This program provides credit to applicants/borrowers of socially disadvantaged groups, at regular or reduced interest rates, to purchase or enlarge farms. In addition, the program provides that FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 acquired farmland be made available for sale or lease to applicants/borrowers of socially disadvantaged groups. Socially disadvantaged borrowers with existing direct FO loans may have their accounts deferred and/or reamortized at a reduced interest rate.

    If you would like additional information regarding the availability of direct FO loans to, and/or the renting or buying of FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 acquired farmland by, members of socially disadvantaged groups, you should contact my office.


    County Supervisor.