Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 7 - Agriculture |
Subtitle B - Regulations of the Department of Agriculture |
Chapter XVIII - Rural Housing Service, Rural Business-Cooperative Service, Rural Utilities Service, and Farm Service Agency, Department of Agriculture |
SubChapter H - Program Regulations |
Part 1930 - General |
Subpart C - Management and Supervision of Multiple Family Housing Borrowers and Grant Recipients |
Exhibit B-4 to Subpart C of Part 1930 - Outline for Prospective Management Agent of a Multiple Family Rental or Labor Housing Project
Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 expects that Multiple Family Housing (MFH) property and program financed by the Agency will be managed to comply with authorizing statutes and regulatory requirements in meeting the objective of providing decent, safe, and sanitary housing for eligible tenants and members.
The following outline is intended to be a guide that borrowers can use in evaluating the level and quality of services that a prospective management agent plans to provide in the management of a multiple housing project. The borrower is encouraged to add those items it deems appropriate and to delete any that do not apply.
1.Provide your name, address, name of project, location of project, and the name of the owner.
2.Provide information about projects previously or presently managed by the management entity and its employees, including information relative to default history,
mortgage relief history, and foreclosure history along with an explanation of the circumstances that led to such actions. 3.Describe your firm including number of main office staff employed in the following capacities: supervisory, clerical, maintenance, and social services.
4.Explain where project records will be kept.
5.Describe your plan for project on-site staff including their duties and work frequency.
6.Give the distance in miles from your home office and the nearest branch office, if applicable, to the project.
7.Describe the accounting system, rent-up procedure, rent collection policy, and preventive maintenance program including energy conservation you intend to use in the proposed project.
8.Describe any and all identities of interest as described in paragraph V B of exhibit B of this subpart.
9.Describe the frequency and type of direct supervision to be given the site manager.
10.Give a description of your financial condition, stability, and financial resources.
11.Describe your plan to implement applicable FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 accounting requirements for the project. If you have managed this type of project before, cite those projects as an indication of your knowledge of such requirements. If you have not managed such projects, indicate your understanding of what needs to be done to fulfill such requirements.
12.Please also describe.
a.Your plans for handling tenant grievances and appeals, providing tenant counseling, and using outside social service agencies.
b.The extent of your knowledge of FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 requirements for tenant eligibility, tenant certifications and recertifications.
c.Your plans to train your personnel in the management of FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 MFH, including training on the nondiscrimination and fair housing (reasonable accomodation) provisions of the civil rights laws.
13.Describe the internal controls you will use to safeguard project monies, securities, and readily saleable property other than money and securities.
14.Provide evidence of fidelity coverage capacity.
15.Include where appropriate the following statement: “I hereby certify that there is no close association between the management agent and the owner of the above described project in such manner that creates a possible conflict of interest.” If such an association exists (e.g., the management agent is a member, stockholder, partner, principal, etc., of the borrower organization, familial relationship) explain the relationship in detail (this may be combined with item 8 of this exhibit).