Exhibit G to Subpart C of Part 1930 - Farmers Home Administration or Its Successor Agency Under Public Law 103-354 Multiple Family Housing Supervisory Visit - Summary of Findings  

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  • Project name: Borrower name: Borrower ID and project number: Date of visit: Persons interviewed: FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 visit completed by: Purpose and use of This Document

    This document summarizes the findings obtained during the subject supervisory visit. Information is collected directly by the FmFA reviewer on this form or summarized from information obtained from any of the following sources:

    1. Pre-visit worksheet (Exhibit F of this subpart) 2. A concurrent compliance review 3. A concurrent project physical inspection 4. Tenant file reviews 5. Tenant interviews & unit reviews 6. Tenant wage matching findings 7. FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 docket information 8. Any other relevant document or worksheet

    FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 will review the project file and any other project management documentation prior to the visit to identify areas of concern.

    The FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 reviewer may prepare questions in advance to draw responses from project management or tenants that will enable FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 to answer the question on the supervisory visit forms. The questions should be prepared to allow the respondent to describe how tasks or functions are performed (i.e., who, what, when, where, or why), rather than “do you do this.”

    The findings are listed to highlight areas of project management and operation activities as they relate to the project management plan as described in exhibit B-1 of this subpart.

    Concerns resulting from this supervisory visit may be used as a basis for requiring improved borrower/project management performance.

    Status/Analysis (Indicate Yes, No, or Not Applicable)

    1. Identity of interest (IOI) and relationship of borrower, management agent and suppliers.

    __ Borrower and management agent IOI properly disclosed. __ Borrower & material/services suppliers IOI properly disclosed. __ Management Agent & material/services suppliers IOI properly disclosed. __ Are IOI provided management, material and services comparable in cost, quality or scope to “arms-length” transactions?


    2. Personnel policy and staffing.

    __ Personnel policy and staffing per management plan.


    3. Marketing and Occupancy.

    Signs and posters compliance.

    __ Project sign. __ Equal Housing LOGO on sign. __ Handicapped LOGO at handicapped parking space. __ Sign indicates where to apply for housing. __ Equal Housing Opportunity posters visible. __ “. . .and Justice for All” posters visible.

    Affirmative marketing.

    __ Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP) available for review. __ AFHMP signed and dated by authorized FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 official. __ Advertising documented (Attach copies). __ Race/Ethnic composition of the project reflects market area. Applications Management/Occupancy Policy __ Applications accepted at project. __ Applications accepted from anyone. __ Proper documentation of applicant contacts. __ Proper written documentation of withdrawn/rejected applicants. __ Applicants on waiting list. Number: ____. __ Applicants with a Letter of Priority. Number: ____. __ Tenant file review indicates proper application maintenance. __ Waiting list meets 1930-C requirements. __ Most recent tenant selection met 1930-C requirements. __ Correct priorities for selection followed. __ Marketing and occupancy policy per management plan. __ Occupancy ineligible tenants properly admitted. __ Occupancy ineligibles are placed on a unit transfer list. __ Occupancy ineligibles have appropriate lease clauses.

    Achieving full occupancy.

    __ Tenant vacancy percentage is within an acceptable range. __ Tenant turnover rate is within an acceptable range. __ Tax credit eligibility is not affecting project viability. __ Marketing incentives are used to attract tenants.


    4. Determining eligibility and adjusted income.

    __ Income included or excluded correctly. __ Frequency and timing of verification is correct. __ Manager believes tenant provided data is accurate & complete. __ Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1944-29, updated before rental assistance (RA) is assigned. __ All qualified households listed on the updated Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1944-29. __ RA assignment policy meets 1930-C, exhibit E requirements. __ Most recent tenant RA assignment met 1930-C, requirements. __ Tenant file review indicates income/status correctly verified. __ Tenant file review indicates income/information correct on Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1944-8, “Tenant Certification.”. __ Tenant file review indicates proper recertification notice. __ Determining eligibility & adjusted income per management plan. __ Site manager's income verified by third party when appropriate.


    5. Leasing and occupancy policies.

    __ Tenants placed in units according to occupancy standards. __ Tenant lease prepared by project site manager. __ Tenant file review indicates rent is properly determined. __ Tenant file review indicates correct lease maintenance. __ Tenant file review indicates FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 approved lease used. __ Tenant file review indicates FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 approved occupancy rules. __ Leasing and occupancy policies per management plan.


    6. Rents, occupancy charges, and occupancy surcharges.

    __ Utilities paid by tenants correspond to FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 approved levels. __ Tenants do not pay additional utility fees or charges. __ Actual costs for tenant utilities verified annually. __ Tenant rent payments accepted and tracked on site. __ Rent payments on site are adequately protected. __ Tenants receive appropriate evidence of cash payment. __ Rent and occupancy charge policy per management plan. __ Tenant security deposit processing per management plan. __ Application fees per 1930-C and management plan.


    7. Rent changes.

    __ Rents and utility allowances charged are FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 approved. __ Most recent rent change per 1930-C and management plan. __ Most recent utility allowance per 1944-E and management plan.


    8. Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement.

    __ Maintenance per management plan. __ Routine repair and replacement per management plan. __ Routine unit inspection per management plan. __ Services (i.e., exterminating) provided per management plan. __ Security services provided per management plan. __ Followup needed on exterior items inspected. __ Followup needed on energy efficiency items inspected. __ Followup needed on interior items inspected. __ Followup needed on miscellaneous items inspected. __ Followup needed on individual units inspected. __ Capital improvements needed, planned and reserve account use plan updated.


    9. Supplemental Services.

    __ Laundry and vending machines operated per management plan. __ Laundry and vending proceeds handled per management plan.


    10. Accounting, Recordkeeping, and FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 Reporting.

    Project Records __ Project O&M expenses appear per approved Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1930-7. __ Project capital expenses appear per approved Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1930-7. __ Project revenue appears per approved Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1930-7. __ Project account information reviewed, balances obtained: Reserve account: ____ General operating account: ____ Tax and insurance escrow: ____ Tenant security deposit account: ____ __ Accounts are kept per 1930-C and management agreement. __ Funds are protected by a Federal agency or bank collateral. __ Bookkeeping location per management plan. __ Project financial information maintained per management plan. __ Project is operated as part of a “consolidated” project. __ If operations are consolidated, arrangement per 1930-C. __ Internal control conducted per management plan. __ Do multiple accounts by borrower or management entity in one bank exceed collateral limits. Tenant Records __ Current tenant files retained for 3 years. __ Former tenant and rejected applicant files retained 3 years. __ Privacy of tenant files adequately protected. __ Tenant files maintained per management plan.


    11. Energy conservation measures and practices.

    __ Implemented feasible measures identified by energy audit. __ Physical inspection recommends further energy conservation. __ Physical inspection recommends more tenant education efforts.


    12. Tenant participation and relationship with management.

    __ Tenant appeals since last visit. Number ____. __ Tenants are being informed of their appeal rights. __ “FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 Instruction 1944-L” posted for review by tenants. __ Standing hearing panel for the project. __ Records maintained of settlements and hearings. __ Project management is responsive to tenant grievances.


    13. Management training programs.

    __ Site manager training per management plan. __ Site manager has received FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 requirements training. Date of last FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 requirements training: (__-__-__) __ Site manager “certified” from an FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 recognized source. __ Equal Opportunity training per AFHMP.


    14. Termination of leases and eviction.

    __ The latest tenant termination was properly conducted. __ The latest eviction was properly conducted. __ Is termination and eviction per 1930-C and management plan.


    15. Management agreement plan and project operations.

    __ Project uses the management plan as a working document. __ The management plan accurately describes project operations. __ The management agreement accurately describes project operations. __ Indication of an unreported change to insurance coverage. __ Indication of an unreported change to fidelity coverage. __ Indication of unreported change to management. __ Indication of unreported change to borrower entity.


    16. Management compensation.

    __ Management fee paid per management agreement.


    17. On-site management.

    __ Site manager compensation per management plan and agreement. __ Site manager's unit operated per management plan. Date current site manager hired: (__-_-__)


    FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 MFH Supervisory Visit—Conclusions and Recommendations

    Listed below are the major findings of the supervisory visit, compliance review, and physical inspection of the project, and any followup actions required by the Servicing Office.

    FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 MFH Supervisory Visit—Rating

    Above Average __ Satisfactory__ Below Average__ Unsatisfactory__

    Next follow-up needed (Letter, telephone, etc.) Next scheduled review FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 MFH Supervisory Visit—Additional Rural Cooperative Housing Questions __ The cooperative treasurer has received relevant training. __ The board of directors considers and acts on new member applications. __ Applicants are screened for suitability before being placed on the waiting list. __ There are signed “What is Cooperative Housing?” forms indicating the member recognizes and accepts the responsibilities associated with cooperative living. __ Cooperative members perform maintenance functions. __ Maintenance functions are contracted out. Explain: __ The borrower cooperative is working with FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354. __ The board of directors holds monthly meetings. __ There is an agreement with the adviser. __ The adviser to the board attends each meeting. __ It appears that the board has control over the cooperative's operations. __ The cooperative has active committees. What are the committees and how many members on each? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ How often do the committees meet? ____ __ A board member attends committee meetings. __ Management agreements and contracts are being followed.


    FmHA or Its Successor Agency Under Public Law 103-354 MFH Supervisory Visit—Additional Labor Housing Questions __ In the case of on-farm LH, the housing is serving eligible farm laborers employed by this LH borrower. __ Borrower is ( ) charging, or ( ) not charging rent in accordance with their FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 approved budget. __ Properly verifying farm labor employment. __ Properly determining “substantial” portion of income from farm labor.


    FmHA or Its Successor Agency Under Public Law 103-354 MFH Supervisory Visit—Additional Congregate Housing or Group Home Questions __ Project provides a basic services package to tenants. __ Project provides optional services package to tenants. __ Meals provided per service agreement. __ Transportation provided per service agreement. __ Housekeeping provided per service agreement. __ Personal service provided per service agreement. __ Recreational/social services provided per service agreement.
