Chapter XXXIV—National Institute of Food and Agriculture  

Part 3400 - Special Research Grants Program
Part 3401 - Rangeland Research Grants Program
Part 3402 - Food and Agricultural Sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grants Program
Part 3403 - Small Business Innovation Research Grants Program
Part 3404 - Public Information
Part 3405 - Higher Education Challenge Grants Program
Part 3406 - 1890 Institution Capacity Building Grants Program
Part 3407 - Implementation of National Environmental Policy Act
Part 3411 - National Research Initiative Competition Grants Program
Part 3415 - Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program
Part 3418 - Stakeholder Input Requirements for Recipients of Agricultural Research, Education, and Extension Formula Funds
Part 3419 - Matching Funds Requirement for Agricultural Research and Extension Capacity Funds at 1890 Land-Grant Institutions, Including Central State University, Tuskegee University, and West Virginia State University and at 1862 Land-Grant Institutions in Insular Areas
Part 3430 - Competitive and Noncompetitive Non-Formula Federal Assistance Programs - General Award Administrative Provisions
Part 3431 - Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program
Part 3434 - Hispanic-Serving Agricultural Colleges and Universities Certification Process
Parts 3435--3499 - [Reserved]