Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 0.735-1 - Purpose.
§ 0.735-2 - Definitions.
§ 0.735-3 - Counseling and advisory service.
§ 0.735-4 - Agency supplementation.
§ 0.735-5 - Remedial action.
§ 0.735-6 - Responsibilities of supervisors.
Subpart B - Conduct and Responsibilities of Employees
§ 0.735-11 - Prohibited conduct—general.
§ 0.735-12 - Gifts, gratuities, entertainment, and favors.
§ 0.735-13 - Outside employment and activities.
§ 0.735-14 - Conflict of interest.
§ 0.735-15 - Attendance and leave.
§ 0.735-16 - Use of Government property, facilities, and services.
§ 0.735-17 - Use of vehicles.
§ 0.735-18 - Indebtedness.
§ 0.735-19 - Political activity.
§ 0.735-20 - Use, protection, and release of information.
§ 0.735-21 - Activities with regard to farm organizations.
§ 0.735-22 - Prohibitions upon employees serving abroad.
§ 0.735-23 - Miscellaneous provisions.
§ 0.735-24 - Miscellaneous statutory provisions.
Subpart C - Statements of Employment and Financial Interests
§ 0.735-31 - Employees required to submit statements under the Executive order.
§ 0.735-32 - Exceptions.
§ 0.735-33 - Identification of employees required to submit statements.
§ 0.735-34 - Time and place for submission of employees’ statements.
§ 0.735-35 - Supplementary statements.
§ 0.735-36 - Types of interests to be reported.
§ 0.735-37 - Information prohibited.
§ 0.735-38 - Interests of employee's relatives.
§ 0.735-39 - Information not known by employee.
§ 0.735-40 - Effect of employee's statement.
§ 0.735-41 - Specific provisions for special Government employees.
§ 0.735-42 - Review of statements and determination of conflicting interests.
§ 0.735-43 - Protection of employees’ statements.
§ 0.735-44 - Financial disclosure under the Ethics in Government Act.
Subpart D - Administrative Enforcement of Restriction on Post-Employment Activities
§ 0.735-51 - Purpose.
§ 0.735-52 - Notice of violation.
§ 0.735-53 - Initiation of administrative action.
§ 0.735-54 - Hearing officer.
§ 0.735-55 - Department representative.
§ 0.735-56 - Time, date and place of hearing.
§ 0.735-57 - Representation.
§ 0.735-58 - Rights of parties at hearing.
§ 0.735-59 - Oaths and rules of evidence.
§ 0.735-60 - Transcript.
§ 0.735-61 - Briefs and discovery.
§ 0.735-62 - Open hearing.
§ 0.735-63 - Ex-parte communications.
§ 0.735-64 - Administrative record.
§ 0.735-65 - Burden of proof.
§ 0.735-66 - Initial decision.
§ 0.735-67 - Appeal.
§ 0.735-68 - Final decision.
§ 0.735-69 - Sanctions.
§ 0.735-70 - Finality.