§ 0.735-11 - Prohibited conduct—general.  

Latest version.
  • (a) An employee shall avoid any action, whether or not specifically prohibited by this subpart, which might result in or create the appearance of:

    (1) Using public office for private gain;

    (2) Giving preferential treatment to any person;

    (3) Impeding Government efficiency or economy;

    (4) Losing complete independence or impartiality;

    (5) Making a Government decision outside of official channels; or

    (6) Affecting adversely the confidence of the public in the integrity of the Government.

    (b) Employees are specifically prohibited from:

    (1) Engaging in criminal, infamous, dishonest or notoriously disgraceful conduct, or other conduct prejudicial to the Government;

    (2) Betting or participating in any gambling activity, including the operation of a gambling device, conducting a lottery or pool, or selling or buying a number slip or ticket, while on Government-owned or leased property or while on duty for the Government;

    (3) Using intoxicating beverages or narcotic drugs on Government-owned or leased property, or transporting such beverages or drugs in Government-owned or leased vehicles, or using such beverages or drugs at any time or place to the extent that it adversely affects performance of official duties;

    (4) Lending funds at usurious interest rates;

    (5) Provoking or harassing other employees, or making unwarranted criticism or accusations against other employees;

    (6) Except as authorized by the Inspector General with the consent of a party to the conversation when necessary in criminal investigations, monitoring or recording, or authorizing or permitting others under their administrative control to monitor or record, telephone conversations for the purpose of taking a verbatim transcript of all or part of the conversation unless such monitoring or recording is agreed to in advance by all participants in the conversation or such monitoring or recording occurs in the course of a Department of Agriculture proceeding conducted by telephone or audio-visual telecommunication and the person conducting the proceeding is an administrative law judge, hearing officer, examiner, or presiding officer;

    (7) Except as authorized by the Inspector General with the consent of a party to the conversation when necessary in criminal investigations, utilizing a mechanical or electronic device to monitor or record nontelephone conversations, unless such monitoring or recording is agreed to in advance by all participants in the conversation or such monitoring or recording occurs in the course of a Department of Agriculture proceeding conducted by telephone or audio-visual telecommunication and the person conducting the proceeding is an administrative law judge, hearing officer, examiner, or presiding officer;

    (8) Soliciting, making collections, canvassing for the sale of any article, or distributing or posting literature, advertising matter, or any other graphic matter, in any space occupied by the Department, except as authorized in writing by the Director of Personnel;

    (9) Soliciting money from, or selling tickets to, persons outside the Government for the benefit of any organization of the Department;

    (10) Taking any action which might prejudice the Government's interest in a criminal or civil case;

    (11) Giving aid or assistance, other than in the discharge of official duties, to any claimant in prosecuting any claim against the United States; or

    (12) Distributing through the Department's mail and messenger service, or otherwise distributing or posting, in any space occupied by the Department, any circulars, flyers, announcements, pictures, or other graphic matters, etc., that:

    (i) Directly or indirectly attack or adversely reflect on the integrity of any official, officer or employee of any branch of the Government; or

    (ii) Directly or indirectly condemn or criticize the policies of any Government department or agency.

    (13) Discriminating against any person on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status, physical or mental handicap, or political affiliation;

    (14) Engaging in sexual harassment by participating in coercive or repeated unsolicited and unwelcome verbal comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature or by using implicit or explicit coercive sexual behavior in the process of conducting agency business, or to control, influence or affect the career, salary, or job of an employee. Supervisors and managers who fail to take appropriate action on complaints of sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action;

    (15) Displaying discourtesy or disrespect to a member of the public when acting in an official capacity.