§ 0.735-13 - Outside employment and activities.  

Latest version.
  • (a) An employee shall not engage in outside employment or other outside activity not compatible with the full and proper discharge of the duties and responsibilities of his or her Government employment whether on his or her behalf, or for private individuals, firms, companies, institutions, professional societies, or State or local governments. Incompatible activities include but are not limited to:

    (1) Outside employment or activity (including the acceptance of a fee, compensation, gift, payment of expenses or any other thing of monetary value) which may result in, or create the appearance of a conflict-of-interest;

    (2) Outside employment or activity which tends to impair the employee's mental or physical capacity to perform his or her Government duties and responsibilities in an acceptable manner;

    (3) Outside employment or activity that takes the employee's time and attention during his or her official work hours;

    (4) Outside employment or activity which may be construed by the public to be official acts of the Department, or of a nature closely paralleling the work of the Department;

    (5) Outside employment or activity which involves participation in a commercially sponsored broadcast, or which relates to a written discussion of policies or official work of the Department, unless authorized in advance by the Office of Governmental and Public Affairs;

    (6) Outside employment or activity which involves permission, or the appearance of permission to use an employee's name in the advertising of organizations commercializing the results of research conducted by the Department, regardless of any merits which such enterprises may appear to possess;

    (7) Outside employment or activity which may involve the use of information secured as the result of employment in the Department and to the detriment of the public service;

    (8) Any outside employment or activity which may tend to bring criticism of, or cause embarrassment to, the Department;

    (9) Outside employment or activity which would involve the use by the employee of official facilities, e.g., office space, office machines, supplies, telephones, or the services of other employees; and

    (10) Outside employment or activity which would involve the violation of a Federal or State statute, a local ordinance, Executive order, or regulation to which the employee is subject.

    (b) Outside employment or activity (including self-employment) is permitted to the extent that it does not conflict with other requirements of this part, or tend to create a conflict-of-interest, or appearance of conflict-of-interest, between the private interests of an employee and the employee's official responsibilities. The employee's outside employment or activity shall not reflect discredit on the Government or the Department.

    (c) Except as provided in paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) of this section, employees shall obtain advance approval for outside employment or activity whether paid or unpaid. Each Agency shall establish the approval level and shall advise each employee. A record of each approval shall be filed in the employee's official personnel folder. The term outside employment or activity as used in this paragraph does not include:

    (1) Memberships in, or volunteer work with, charitable, religious, social, fraternal, recreational, public service, civic, or similar nonbusiness and nonprofit organizations;

    (2) Memberships in professional organizations;

    (3) Performance of duties in the Armed Forces, Reserve, or National Guard; or

    (4) Acting as an officer of a labor organization pursuant to section 18 of Executive Order 11491, as amended.

    (d) In considering requests for approval of outside employment, the following criteria should be applied:

    (1) The provisions of applicable laws;

    (2) The policies incorporated in this part including the possibility of conflict-of-interest or appearance of conflict-of-interest;

    (3) The general attendance record of the employee;

    (4) The nature of the employee's official duties in relation to the nature of the duties which will comprise the outside employment or activity; and

    (5) The amount of time and hours of work required by the outside employment or activity.

    (e) Employees are specifically prohibited from acting as the agent of a foreign principal registered under the Foreign Agent's Registration Act (18 U.S.C. 219).

    (f) No employee, whether in a duty or nonduty status, shall accept outside employment or activity, with or without compensation, from any foreign government, corporation, partnership, or individual without written prior approval from a counselor designated under § 0.735-3.

    (g) It is the policy of the Department to grant permission to an employee to teach, lecture, or write including teaching, lecturing, or writing for the purpose of the special preparation of a person or class of persons for an examination of the Civil Service Commission or Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service, provided:

    (1) Prior written authorization is obtained from the agency head, or a counselor designated under § 0.735-3;

    (2) Such teaching, lecturing, or writing is not performed at or for any educational institution or other organization that discriminates because of race, creed, color, sex, age, national origin, or physical or mental handicap in the admission or subsequent treatment of students;

    (3) Such teaching, lecturing, or writing is not dependent on information obtained as a result of his or her employment or activity with the Department, except when that information has been made available to the general public or when the agency head or agency head's designee gives specific authorization for the use of nonpublic information in the public interest; and

    (4) Such teaching, lecturing, or writing is not otherwise incompatible with the provisions of this part.

    (h) Articles prepared officially are the property of the Government, and authors thereof may not accept payment for such articles published in outside journals, magazines, or newspapers.

    (i) Employees may not accept honorariums for written articles, speaking engagements, or addresses on radio or television or other appearances performed as part of their official duties. This restriction on the acceptance of honorariums applies even if the Government official endorses the check to a charitable organization or asks that the check be sent to a charitable organization.

    (j) No employees, except special Government employees, shall accept compensation for services as consultants or advisors to any organization, public or private, in any manner which draws upon the experience, competence, or professional standing acquired or enhanced by or through their position in this Department unless they have received permission from their agency head. Special Government employees shall not use their employment or activity with the Department for a purpose that is, or gives the appearance of being, motivated by the desire for private gain for themselves or another (41 FR 24108, June 15, 1976).