§ 1002.80 - Time and rate of payments.  

Latest version.
  • (a) On or before the last day of the month, each handler shall make payment to each producer for milk received from such producer during the first 15 days of the month at not less than the lowest class price for the preceding month.

    (b) On or before the 20th day of the month, each handler shall make payment, pursuant to paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of this section, to each producer for the balance due for all milk received from such producer during the preceding month at not less than the uniform price for such month, subject to the following adjustments:

    (1) Appropriate differentials set forth in §§ 1002.81 and 1002.82;

    (2) Proper deductions for the month that were authorized in writing by producers from whom the handler received milk (except as specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this section);

    (3) For milk received in a bulk tank unit and for which transportation was provided by the handler or at his expense, there may be deducted, as proper and as authorized in writing by the producer, or by a cooperative association authorized to act on behalf of such producer, a tank truck service (transportation) charge. This charge may include any farm-to-first plant transportation costs for which the handler was not reimbursed through the transportation credit pursuant to § 1002.55, but such charge shall be reduced by the amount that the class use location value of milk at the plant of first receipt exceeds its class use location value where the milk was accounted for as a receipt in the bulk tank unit from which the milk was transferred. Any such deduction, plus the transportation credit, and plus the amount of the increase in class use location value of the milk at the plant compared to the unit shall not exceed the actual transportation costs incurred. Any such deduction also must be made by the handler not later than the date on which the producer is required to be paid for such milk. If authorization for such deduction is cancelled by the producer or by the cooperative by notifying the handler in writing, such cancellation shall be effective on the first day of the month following its receipt by the handler; and

    (4) For pool milk delivered directly from a farm to a pool plant or a partial pool plant that was not put into a tank truck prior to such delivery, the handler shall pay to the producer an additional amount computed by multiplying the quantity of such milk by a rate per hundredweight that is equal to the rate specified in § 1002.55.

    (c) Upon receipt of a written request from a cooperative association which the market administrator determines is authorized by its producer-members to collect payment for their milk, each handler, on or before 2 days before payments are due to individual producers if paid by check, or the same day such payments are due to individual producers if paid in cash or cash equivalent, shall pay the cooperative association for milk received during the month from the producer-members of such association an amount equal to not less than the total amount otherwise due such producer-members as determined pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

    (d) Each handler which is also a cooperative marketing association, determined by the Secretary to be qualified under the Capper-Volstead Act with respect to producers who are members of and under contract with such association, may make distribution in accordance with the contract between the association and such members of the net proceeds of all its sales in all markets in all use classifications.

    (e) Whenever verification by the market administrator of the payment to any producer or cooperative association of producers for milk delivered to any handler discloses payment of less than is required by this part, the handler shall make up such payment to the producer or cooperative association of producers not later than the time of making payment next following such disclosure.

    (f) If a handler claims that he cannot make the required payment because the producer is deceased or cannot be located, or because the cooperative association or its lawful successor or assignee is no longer in existence, such payment shall be made to the producer settlement fund, and in the event that the handler subsequently locates and pays the producer or a lawful claimant, or in the event that the handler no longer exists and a lawful claim is later established, the market administrator shall make such payment from the producer settlement fund to the handler or to the lawful claimant as the case may be.

    (g) If not later than the date when such payment is required to be made, legal proceedings have been instituted by the handler for the purpose of administrative or judicial review of the market administrator's findings upon verification as provided above such payment shall be made to the producer settlement fund and shall be held in reserve until such time as the above-mentioned proceedings have been completed or until the handler submits proof to the market administrator that the required payment has been made to the producer or association of producers in which latter event the payment shall be refunded to the handler.