§ 1004.7 - Pool plant.  

Latest version.
  • Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, pool plant means a plant (except a producer-handler plant or the plant of a handler pursuant to § 1004.9(e)) specified in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section.

    (a) A plant from which during the month a volume not less than 40 percent in the months of September through February, and 30 percent in the months of March through August, of its receipts described in paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this section is disposed of as Class I milk (except filled milk) and a volume not less than 15 percent of such receipts is disposed of as route disposition (other than as filled milk) in the marketing area.

    (1) Milk received at such plant directly from dairy farmers (excluding milk diverted as producer milk pursuant to § 1004.12, by either the plant operator or by a cooperative association, and also excluding the milk of dairy farmers for other markets) and from a cooperative in its capacity as a handler pursuant to § 1004.9(c); or

    (2) In the case of a plant with no receipts described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, receipts of fluid milk products (other than filled milk) from other plants.

    (3) A plant which meets the “pool plant” requirements of this paragraph during any month shall retain its pool status during the immediately succeeding two months as long as the plant continues to meet the 15-percent in-area Class I disposition requirement, unless written application is filed by the plant operator with the market administrator on or before the first day of any such month requesting that the plant be designated a nonpool plant for such month and each subsequent month during which it does not otherwise qualify pursuant to this paragraph.

    (4) A plant's status as an other order plant pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section will become effective beginning the third consecutive month in which a plant is subject to the classification and pricing provisions of another order.

    (b) Any plant not meeting the conditions of paragraph (a) of this section from which during the month a quantity of fluid milk products (other than filled milk) not less than the applicable percentage (as specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section) of such plant's receipts of milk from dairy farmers (including milk diverted as producer milk pursuant to § 1004.12 by either the plant operator or by a cooperative association) and from a cooperative association in its capacity as a handler pursuant to § 1004.9(c) is moved to a plant(s) meeting the percentage disposition requirements specified in paragraph (a) of this section with respect to its total receipts of fluid milk products (other than filled milk) from dairy farmers, cooperative associations as handlers pursuant to § 1004.9(c) and from other plants. However, a plant shall not qualify pursuant to this paragraph in any month in which a greater proportion of its qualifying shipments are made to a plant(s) regulated under another Federal order than to plants regulated under this order.

    (1) The applicable percentage for the purpose of this paragraph shall be:

    (i) 50 percent for any month of September through February; and

    (ii) 40 percent for any month of March through August.

    (2) [Reserved]

    (c) [Reserved]

    (d) A plant operated in accordance with paragraph (d)(1), (2) or (3) of this section, subject to the requirement of paragraph (d)(4) of this section.

    (1) A reserve processing plant operated by a cooperative association at which milk from dairy farmers is received if the total of fluid milk products (except filled milk) transferred from such cooperative association plant(s) to, and the milk of member producers physically received at, pool plants pursuant to § 1004.7(a) is not less than 25 percent of the total milk of member producers during the month.

    (2) A reserve processing plant operated by a federation of cooperative associations if, during the month, 30 percent or more of the producer milk of member producers of such cooperative is caused to be delivered to and physically received at pool plants qualified pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section either from the farms of such producers or by transfer in the form of fluid milk products (except filled milk) from the plant(s) of such cooperatives. If a pipeline is maintained between a reserve processing plant and a nonpool plant operated by another person and located on the same premises, the reserve processing plant shall be a pool plant for the month if the operator of such plant proves to the satisfaction of the market administrator that such plant should be eligible for pool status on the basis of the plant's monthly receipts and disposition of milk and that the pipeline was used only to move by-products (not milk) between such plants during the month.

    (3) A reserve processing plant owned and operated by a cooperative association that also owns and operates a pool plant pursuant to § 1004.7(a) so long as the volume of the cooperative's member milk pooled at the reserve processing plant does not exceed the volume of sales of Class I milk (except filled milk) from the cooperative's pool distributing plant, plus the milk of member producers received directly at pool plants pursuant to § 1004.7(a) of other handlers during the month.

    (4) A cooperative or federation of cooperatives operating a pool reserve processing plant qualified pursuant to this paragraph shall notify the market administrator each month, at the time of filing reports pursuant to § 1004.30 and in the detail prescribed by the market administrator, with respect to any receipts from member dairy farmers of the cooperative(s) delivering to such plant not meeting the health requirements for disposition as fluid milk in the marketing area.

    (e) A plant that qualified as a pool plant pursuant to paragraph (b) or (d) of this section during each of the immediately preceding months of September through February shall be qualified for automatic pool plant status for each of the following months of March through August, unless the plant operator files a written request with the market administrator prior to the beginning of any such month asking that such plant not be a pool plant. Such nonpool status shall be effective on the first day of the month following the receipt of such request and shall continue until the plant again qualifies as a pool plant pursuant to paragraph (b) or (d) of this section, subject to the following conditions:

    (1) The automatic pool plant status for any plant identified in paragraph (e) of this section shall be cancelled if another plant is qualified as a pool plant on the basis of deliveries to the same plants through which such automatic pooling status was acquired by the plant. Cancellation of the plant's automatic pool plant status shall be effective on the first day of the month in which the other plant is qualified as a pool plant and shall continue until the plant again qualifies as a pool plant pursuant to paragraph (b) or (d) of this section; and

    (2) The automatic pool plant status of a reserve processing plant operated by a federation of cooperative associations qualified pursuant to paragraph (d)(2) of this section shall be forfeited for any month during the March through August period in which the market administrator determines on the basis of the investigation conducted pursuant to paragraph (d)(2) of this section that such plant shall not be a pool plant for the month.

    (f) A plant specified in paragraph (f)(1) or (2) of this section shall, except as provided in §§ 1004.32(e) and 1004.71(c), be exempt from the provisions of this part:

    (1) Any plant qualified pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section which would be subject to the classification and pricing provisions of another order issued pursuant to the Act unless the Secretary determines that a greater volume of Class I milk, except filled milk, is disposed of from such plant as route disposition in the Middle Atlantic marketing area than is so disposed of in a marketing area regulated pursuant to such other order; or

    (2) Any plant subject to the classification and pricing provisions of another order issued pursuant to the Act, notwithstanding its status under this order pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this section.

    (g) The applicable shipping percentage of paragraphs (a) and (b) or (d) of this section may be increased or decreased by the market administrator if the market administrator finds that such revision is necessary to encourage needed shipments or to prevent uneconomic shipments. Before making such a finding, the market administrator shall investigate the need for revision either on the market administrator's own initiative or at the request of interested parties. If the investigation shows that a revision of the shipping percentages might be appropriate, the market administrator shall issue a notice stating that the revision is being considered and invite data, views and arguments. Any request for revision of shipping percentages shall be filed with the market administrator no later than the 15th day of the month prior to the month for which the requested revision is desired effective.