§ 1011.13 - Producer milk.  

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  • Producer milk means the skim milk and butterfat contained in milk of a producer that is:

    (a) Received at a pool plant directly from such producer by the operator of the plant, excluding such milk that is diverted from another pool plant;

    (b) Received by a handler described in § 1011.9(c);

    (c) Received by a handler described in § 1011.9(d), excluding milk diverted pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section;

    (d) Diverted from a pool plant for the account of the handler operating such plant to another pool plant;

    (e) Diverted from a pool plant to a nonpool plant (other than a producer-handler plant) for the account of the handler described in § 1011.9(a), (b) or (d) subject to the following conditions:

    (1) A producer's milk shall be eligible for diversion to a nonpool plant during any month in which such producer's milk is physically received at a pool plant as follows:

    (i) In any month of August through February, six days’ production; and

    (ii) In any month of March through July, two days’ production.

    (2) During each of the months of August through November and January and February, the total quantity of milk diverted by a cooperative association shall not exceed one-fourth of the producer milk that such cooperative caused that month to be delivered to or diverted from pool plants;

    (3) The total quantity of milk diverted by a proprietary bulk tank handler described in § 1011.9(d) shall not exceed 40 percent of the producer milk that such handler caused to be delivered to or diverted from pool plants in each month of August through November and January and February, and 60 percent in each of the other months. The applicable diversion percentage of this subparagraph may be increased or decreased up to 10 percentage points by the market administrator if the market administrator finds such revision is necessary to obtain needed shipments or to prevent uneconomic shipments. Before making such a finding, the market administrator shall investigate the need for revision either at the market administrator's own initiative or at the request of interested persons. If the investigation shows that a revision might be appropriate, the market administrator shall issue a notice stating that the revision is being considered and invite data, views, and arguments;

    (4) A handler described in § 1011.9(a) that is not a cooperative association may divert for its account any milk that is not under the control of a cooperative association or a proprietary bulk tank handler that diverts milk during the month pursuant to paragraph (e)(2) or (3) of this section. The total quantity of milk so diverted shall not exceed one-fourth of the milk that is physically received at or diverted from pool plants as producer milk of such handler in each month of August through November and January and February;

    (5) Any milk diverted in excess of the limits prescribed in paragraph (e)(2), (3) or (4) of this section shall not be producer milk. The diverting handler shall designate the dairy farmer deliveries that shall not be producer milk. If the handler fails to make such designation, no milk diverted by such handler pursuant to this paragraph shall be producer milk;

    (6) To the extent that it would result in nonpool status for the pool plant from which diverted, milk diverted for the account of a cooperative association or a proprietary bulk tank handler from the pool plant of an other handler shall not be producer milk;

    (7) The cooperative association or proprietary bulk tank handler shall designate the dairy farmer deliveries that are not producer milk pursuant to paragraph (e)(6) of this section. If the diverting handler fails to make such designation, no milk diverted by such handler shall be producer milk; and

    (f) Milk diverted pursuant to paragraph (d) or (e) of this section shall be priced at the location of the plant to which diverted.