§ 1013.13 - Producer milk.  

Latest version.
  • Producer milk means the skim milk and butterfat contained in milk:

    (a) Received at a pool plant directly from a producer or a handler pursuant to § 1013.9(c): Provided, That if the milk received at a pool plant from a handler described in § 1013.9(c) is purchased on a basis other than farm weights, the amount by which the total farm weights of such milk exceed the weights on which the pool plant's purchases are based shall be producer milk received by the handler described in § 1013.9(c) at the location of the pool plant; or

    (b) Diverted from a pool plant to a nonpool plant that is not a producer-handler plant, subject to the following conditions:

    (1) Such milk shall be deemed to have been received by the diverting handler at the plant to which diverted;

    (2) Not less than 10 days’ production of the producer whose milk is diverted is physically received at a pool plant: Provided, That any delivery during the current month from such producer to another order plant regulated by the order that regulated such pool plant in the prior month shall be counted towards meeting the 10-day production requirement;

    (3) To the extent that it would result in nonpool plant status for the pool plant from which diverted, milk diverted for the account of a cooperative association from the pool plant of another handler shall not be producer milk;

    (4) A cooperative association may divert for its account the milk of a producer. The total quantity of such milk so diverted by a cooperative that exceeds the following specified applicable percentage of producer milk that the cooperative association caused to be delivered to and physically received at pool plants during the month shall not be producer milk:

    (i) 40 percent in March-June,

    (ii) 25 percent in December-February, and

    (iii) 20 percent in July-November;

    (5) The operator of a pool plant other than a cooperative association may divert for its account any milk of producers that is not under the control of a cooperative association that is diverting milk during the month pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section. The total quantity so diverted by the operator of the pool plant that exceeds the following specified applicable percentage of milk physically received at such plant during the month that is eligible to be diverted by the plant operator shall not be producer milk:

    (i) 40 percent in March-June,

    (ii) 25 percent in December-February, and

    (iii) 20 percent in July-November;

    (6) The diverting handler shall designate the dairy farmers whose milk is not producer milk pursuant to paragraphs (b) (4) and (5) of this section. If the handler fails to make such designation, milk diverted on the last day of the month, then the second-to-last day of the month, and so on, shall be excluded until all diversions in excess of the prescribed limit are accounted for.