§ 1013.85 - Assessment for order administration.  

Latest version.
  • (a) As his pro rata share of the expense of administration of the order, each handler shall pay to the market administrator on or before the 15th day after the end of the month 4 cents per hundredweight or such lesser amount as the Secretary may prescribe, with respect to:

    (1) Producer milk (including such handler's own production);

    (2) Receipts of concentrated fluid milk products from unregulated supply plants and receipts of nonfluid milk products assigned to Class I use pursuant to § 1013.43(d) and other source milk allocated to Class I pursuant to § 1013.44 (a)(6), (a)(7), and (a)(11) and the corresponding steps of § 1013.44(b), except such other source milk that is excluded from the computations pursuant to § 1013.60 (d) and (f); and

    (3) Class I milk disposed of in the marketing area from a partially regulated distributing plant that exceeds the hundredweight of Class I milk:

    (i) Received during the month at such plant from pool plants and other order plants that is not used as an offset under a similar provision of another order issued pursuant to the Act; and

    (ii) Specified in § 1013.76(b)(2)(ii).

    (b) With respect to payments pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, if a handler uses more than one accounting period in a month, the rate of payment per hundredweight for such handler shall be the rate for monthly accounting periods multiplied by the number of accounting periods in the month, or such lesser rate as the Secretary may determine is demonstrated as appropriate in terms of the particular costs of administering the additional accounting periods.