§ 1046.7 - Pool plant.  

Latest version.
  • Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, pool plant means:

    (a) A city plant which meets the following requirements:

    (1) The total quantity of fluid products, except filled milk, disposed of in Class I is not less than 50 percent in each of the months of August through November and January and February, and is not less than 40 percent in each of the other months, of the total quantity of fluid milk products, except filled milk, physically received at such plant or diverted therefrom pursuant to § 1046.13; and

    (2) There is an amount of route disposition in the marketing area, except filled milk, equal to not less than an average of 13,500 pounds per day or not less than 10 percent of the fluid milk products, except filled milk, received during the current month from persons described in § 1046.12(a)(1), from a handler described in § 1046.9(c), and from country plants.

    (b) A country plant which delivers milk or skim milk to city plants during any of the months of August through November and January and February equal to not less than 50 percent, and during other months of the year equal to not less than 40 percent, of the milk from persons described in § 1046.12(a)(1) and from handlers described in § 1046.9(c) that is physically received at such country plant (except by diversion from other plants) or diverted therefrom pursuant to § 1046.13. In determining whether a country plant has met the required shipments, milk or skim milk transferred or diverted from a city plant to a country plant (or a nonpool plant located at such site or a nonpool plant operated by the same company) that receives milk or skim milk as a transfer or diversion from such city plant shall be offset against the country plant's transfer or diversion from such city plant to the extent that such milk or skim milk movements by the city plant exceed 5 percent of the milk or skim milk transferred or diverted from the country plant. The operator of a country plant may include milk diverted pursuant to § 1046.13(b) from such plant to a city plant in meeting up to one-half of the shipping percentage(s) specified in this paragraph.

    (c) Except for March through July 1991 a country plant that was a pool plant pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section each month during the preceding August through February shall continue to be a pool plant during each of the months of March through July, unless the operator of such plant notifies the market administrator in writing on or before February 15 of withdrawal of the plant from the pool for the months of March through July next following. A country plant that qualified as a pool plant during each of the months of September 1990 through February 1991 shall be a pool plant for the months of March through July 1991, unless the operator of such plant notifies the market administrator in writing on or before February 15 of withdrawal of the plant from the pool for the months of March through July next following.

    (d) A country plant which is operated by a cooperative association if (1) two-thirds or more of the milk from persons described in § 1046.12(a)(1) who are members of such association is delivered during the month from farms to the pool plant(s) of other handlers or transferred by such association from its plant to the pool plant(s) of other handlers or (2) such plant qualified as a pool plant pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this section during each of the immediately preceding consecutive months of October through February.

    (e) The term “pool plant” shall not apply to the following plants:

    (1) A producer-handler plant;

    (2) Unless determined otherwise by the Secretary, a milk plant during any month in which the milk at such plant would be subject to the pricing and pooling provisions of another order issued pursuant to the Act, except:

    (i) A plant that qualifies as a pool plant pursuant to paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) of this section and a greater volume of fluid milk products, except filled milk, is disposed of from such plant in the Louisville-Lexington-Evansville marketing area to other pool plants and to retail or wholesale outlets than in the marketing area regulated pursuant to such other order during the current month; and

    (ii) A plant that qualifies as a pool plant pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section and which also meets the pooling requirements of another Federal order on the basis of route disposition if the plant is located in the Louisville-Lexington-Evansville marketing area and this order's Class I price applicable at the plant is not less than the Class I price that would be applicable at the plant if regulated under the order for the Federal order marketing area in which the plant has the greatest route disposition; and

    (3) A plant that qualifies as a pool plant pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section and which also meets the requirements of a fully regulated plant pursuant to the provisions of another Federal order on the basis of distribution in such other marketing area and from which the Secretary determines route disposition, except filled milk, during the month in this marketing area is greater than route disposition in such other marketing area but which plant is, nevertheless, fully regulated under such other Federal order.