§ 1050.13 - Producer milk.  

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  • Producer milk means all skim milk and butterfat contained in milk from producers that is:

    (a) Received at a pool plant from producers or from a handler described in § 1050.9(c);

    (b) Represented by the difference between the quantity of milk received by a handler described in § 1050.9(c) at producers’ farms and the quantity of such milk delivered to pool plants. For the purposes of §§ 1050.52 and 1050.75, such milk shall be deemed to have been received by such handler at the pool plant to which all other producer milk in the same tank truck was delivered;

    (c) Diverted by a handler from a pool plant for the account of the plant operator to another pool plant(s) for not more days of production of such producer's milk than is physically received at a pool plant(s) from which diverted. For pricing purposes such diverted milk shall be deemed to be received by the diverting handler at -the location of the plant to which diverted;

    (d) Diverted from a pool plant to a nonpool plant that is not a producer-handler plant, subject to the conditions of this paragraph. For pricing purposes, milk so diverted shall be deemed to be received at the plant from which diverted, unless the plant to which the milk is diverted is located more than 110 miles from the city hall in Peoria, Ill. (by shortest highway distance as determined by the market administrator) in which case the milk shall be deemed to be received by the diverting handler at the location of the plant to which diverted:

    (1) During May, June and July the operator of a pool plant or a cooperative association may divert the milk production of a producer on any number of days;

    (2) Subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph (d)(4) of this section, during the months of August through April the operator of a pool plant may divert the milk of a producer for not more days of production of such producer's milk than it is physically received at the pool plant from which diverted: Provided, That the total quantity of producer milk diverted does not exceed 35 percent of the physical receipts of producer milk at the handler's pool plant during the month, exclusive of milk of producers who are members of a cooperative association that is diverting milk and the milk of other producers that is diverted pursuant to paragraph (d)(3) of this section;

    (3) Subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph (d)(4) of this section, during the months of August through April a cooperative association may divert the milk of producers for not more days of production of each producer's milk than is physically received at a pool plant: Provided, That the total quantity of producer milk does not exceed 35 percent of (i) its member milk physically received at pool plants during such month and (ii) other producer milk for which the cooperative association is the handler pursuant to § 1050.9(c) during such month;

    (4) In the case where a cooperative association has notified the market administrator and the handler in writing prior to the first day of the month that milk of specified member producers will not be diverted by the cooperative and is not to be included in computing the cooperative association's diversion percentage for the month, milk of such producers shall be deducted from the cooperative's total receipts of member milk for the purposes specified in paragraph (c)(3) of this section and added to the total milk receipts included in computing the diversions of the pool plant handler who receives their milk for the purposes specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this section; and

    (5) When milk is diverted in excess of the limits specified in paragraphs (d)(2) and (3) of this section, eligibility as producer milk under this section shall be forfeited on the excess quantity. In such event the diverting handler shall specify the dairy farmers whose milk is ineligible as producer milk. If a handler fails to designate such dairy farmers whose milk is ineligible, producer milk status shall be forfeited with respect to all milk diverted to nonpool plants by such handler.