§ 1065.111 - Composition of Agency.  

Latest version.
  • Subject to the conditions of paragraph (a) of this section, each cooperative association or combination of cooperative associations, as provided for under § 1065.113(b), is authorized one agency representative for each full 5 percent of the participating member producers (producers who have not requested refunds for the most recent quarter) it represents. Cooperative associations with less than 5 percent of the total participating producers that have elected not to combine pursuant to § 1065.113(b), and participating producers who are not members of cooperatives, are authorized to select from such group of participating producers, in total, pursuant to § 1065.113(c), one Agency representative for each full 5 percent that such producers constitute of the total participating producers. If such group of producers in total constitutes less than 5 percent but not less than 1 percent of the total participating producers it shall nevertheless be authorized to select from such group in total one agency representative. For the purpose of the agency's initial organization, all persons defined as producers shall be considered as participating producers.

    (a) If any cooperative association or combination of cooperative associations, as provided for under § 1065.113(b), has a majority of the participating producers, representation from such cooperative or group of cooperatives, as the case may be, shall be limited to the minimum number of representatives necessary to constitute a majority of the agency representatives, but not less than five.

    (b) [Reserved]