§ 1065.116 - Duties of the Agency.  

Latest version.
  • The Agency shall perform all duties necessary to carry out the terms and provisions of this program including, but not limited to, the following:

    (a) Meet, organize, and select from among its members a chairman and such other officers and committees as may be necessary, and adopt and make public such rules as may be necessary for the conduct of its business;

    (b) Develop programs and projects pursuant to §§ 1065.110 and 1065.117;

    (c) Keep minutes, books, and records and submit books and records for examination by the Secretary and furnish any information and reports requested by the Secretary;

    (d) Prepare and submit to the Secretary for approval prior to each quarterly period a budget showing the projected amounts to be collected during the quarter and how such funds are to be disbursed by the Agency;

    (e) When desirable, establish an advisory committee(s) of persons other than Agency members;

    (f) Employ and fix the compensation of any person deemed to be necessary to its exercise of powers and performance of duties;

    (g) Establish the rate of reimbursement to the members of the Agency for expenses in attending meetings, and pay the expenses of administering the Agency; and

    (h) Provide for the bonding of all persons handling Agency funds in an amount and with surety thereon satisfactory to the Secretary.