§ 1065.52 - Plant location adjustments for handlers.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The following zones are defined for the purpose of determining location adjustments:

    (1) Zone 1 shall include the Nebraska counties of Adams, Boone, Buffalo, Butler, Cass, Chase, Clay, Colfax, Custer, Dawson, Dodge, Douglas, Dundy, Fillmore, Franklin, Frontier, Furnas, Gage, Gosper, Greeley, Hall, Hamilton, Harlan, Hayes, Hitchcock, Howard, Jefferson, Johnson, Kearney, Keith, Lancaster, Lincoln, Madison, Merrick, Nance, Nemaha, Nuckolls, Otoe, Pawnee, Perkins, Phelps, Platte, Polk, Red Willow, Richardson, Saline, Sarpy, Saunders, Seward, Sherman, Stanton, Thayer, Valley, Webster, and York.

    (2) Zone 2 shall include the Nebraska counties of Banner, Box Butte, Cheyenne, Dawes, Deuel, Garden, Kimball, Morrill, Scotts Bluff, Sheridan, and Sioux.

    (b) For producer milk received at a pool plant (or diverted to a nonpool plant) and which is classified as Class I milk without movement in bulk form to a pool plant at which a higher Class I price applies, the Class I price specified in § 1065.50(a) shall be adjusted for the location of the plant receiving the milk as follows:

    (1) In Zone 1, no adjustment;

    (2) In Zone 2, plus 15 cents;

    (3) At a plant located outside of Zones 1 and 2 and in the States of Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota (east of State Highway 73 only), or Wisconsin, the price shall be reduced by 1.7 cents per 10 miles or fraction thereof (by shortest hard-surfaced highway and/or all weather road distance as measured by the market administrator) that such plant is located from the nearer of the city halls in Norfolk or Omaha, Nebraska; and

    (4) At any other location, no adjustment.

    (c) The Class I price applicable to other source milk shall be adjusted by the amounts set forth in paragraph (b) of this section, except that the adjusted Class I price shall not be less than the Class III price.

    (d) For fluid milk products transferred in bulk from a pool plant to another pool plant at which a higher Class I price applies and which is classified as Class I, the price shall be the Class I price applicable at the location of the transferee-plant subject to a location adjustment credit for the transferor-plant determined by the market administrator as follows:

    (1) Subtract from the pounds of Class I remaining at the transferee-plant after the computations pursuant to § 1065.44(a)(12) and (b) plus the pounds of skim milk in receipts of concentrated fluid milk products from other pool plants that are assigned to Class I use, the pounds of packaged fluid milk products from other pool plants;

    (2) Multiply the remaining pounds of milk by 110 percent;

    (3) Subtract the pounds of bulk fluid milk products received at the transferee-plant from the following sources:

    (i) Producers;

    (ii) Handlers described in § 1065.9(c);

    (iii) Pool plants at which the same or a higher Class I price applies; and

    (iv) Receipts of diverted milk from pool plants;

    (4) Assign any pounds remaining to transferor-plants in sequence beginning with the plant at which the least adjustment would apply; and

    (5) Multiply the pounds so computed for each transferor-plant by the difference in the Class I prices applicable at the transferee-plant and transferor-plant.