§ 1065.61 - Producer price differential.  

Latest version.
  • For each month the market administrator shall compute a producer price differential per hundredweight of milk received from producers, as follows:

    (a) Combine into one total for all handlers:

    (1) The values computed pursuant to § 1065.60 (a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(7) and (b) through (i) for all handlers; and

    (2) Add values computed pursuant to § 1065.60 (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5) and (a)(6); and subtract the values obtained by multiplying the handlers’ total pounds of protein and total pounds of other solids contained in such milk by their respective prices, and the total value of the somatic cell adjustment;

    (b) Subtract an amount equal to the total value of the plus location adjustments computed pursuant to § 1065.75;

    (c) Add an amount equal to the total value of the minus location adjustments computed pursuant to § 1065.75;

    (d) Add an amount equal to not less than one-half of the unobligated balance in the producer-settlement fund;

    (e) Divide the resulting amount by the sum of the following for all handlers included in these computations:

    (1) The total hundredweight of producer milk; and

    (2) The total hundredweight for which a value is computed pursuant to § 1065.60(f); and

    (f) Subtract not less than 4 cents nor more than 5 cents from the price computed pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section. The result shall be the “producer price differential.”