§ 1134.13 - Producer milk.  

Latest version.
  • Producer milk means all skim milk and butterfat in milk produced by a producer.

    (a) With respect to receipts at a pool plant for which the handler operating such plant is to be responsible pursuant to § 1134.60:

    (1) Received directly from such producer; and

    (2) Diverted from such pool plant to a nonpool plant for the account of the operator of the pool plant, subject to the limitations and conditions provided in § 1134.12;

    (b) With respect to the additional receipts of a cooperative association:

    (1) For which the cooperative association is the handler pursuant to § 1134.9(b), subject to the limitations and conditions provided in § 1134.12; and

    (2) For which the cooperative association is the handler pursuant to § 1134.9(c). If the milk received at a pool plant from a handler described in § 1134.9(c) is purchased on a basis other than farm weights, the amount by which the total farm weights of such milk exceed the weights on which the pool plant's purchases are based shall be producer milk received by the handler described in § 1134.9(c) at the location of the pool plant.