§ 1137.7 - Pool plant.  

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  • Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, pool plant means:

    (a) Any plant, hereinafter referred to as a “distributing pool plant”, in which during the month fluid milk products are processed or packaged and from which:

    (1) An amount equal to 50 percent or more of the total receipts of Grade A milk (except receipts from distributing pool plants) is disposed of as route disposition, except filled milk. A unit consisting of two or more distributing plants operated by a handler shall be considered as one distrubuting plant for the purpose of meeting the requirements of this subparagraph if each plant separately meets the requirements of paragraph (a)(2) of this section and the handler notifies the market administrator in writing before the first day of the month that the plants should be considered as a unit. The unit shall continue from month to month thereafter without further notification. If, however, there is any change in the composition of the unit, the handler shall notify the market administrator in writing on or before the first day of the month such change is to be made; and

    (2) Ten percent or more of such receipts, or 12,000 pounds per day, whichever is less, are disposed of as route disposition, except filled milk, in the marketing area.

    (b) Any plant, hereinafter referred to as a “supply pool plant” from which during the month 50 percent of its dairy farm supply of Grade A milk is moved to distributing pool plant(s) as fluid milk products, except filled milk. Any supply plant which has qualified as a pool plant in each of the months of September through February shall be a pool plant in each of the following months of March through August unless written request for nonpool status for any such month(s) is furnished in advance to the market administrator. A plant withdrawn from supply pool plant status may not be reinstated for any subsequent month of March through August unless it fulfills the shipping requirements of this paragraph for such month.

    (c) The term “pool plant” shall not apply to the following plants:

    (1) A producer-handler plant;

    (2) A plant meeting the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section which also meets the pooling requirements of another Federal order and from which, the Secretary determines, there is a greater quantity of route disposition, except filled milk, during the month in such other Federal order marketing area than in this marketing area, except that if such plant was subject to all the provisions of this part in the immediately preceding month, it shall continue to be subject to all the provisions of this part until the third consecutive month in which a greater proportion of its route disposition, except filled milk, is made in such other marketing area unless, notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph, it is regulated under such other order;

    (3) A plant meeting the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section which also meets the pooling requirements of another Federal order on the basis of route disposition in such other marketing area and from which, the Secretary determines, there is a greater quantity of route disposition, except filled milk, during the month in this marketing area than in such other marketing area but which plant is, nevertheless, fully regulated under such other Federal order; and

    (4) Any distributing plant from which there is less than an average of 300 pounds of route disposition per day, except filled milk, in the marketing area during the month.